[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Anyway, hey town, there’s your answer. Once we lynch Kiro, if he flips rolecop, Gorta is scum for TMI.

i.e. Kiro checked Arctic, found him VT. Kiro checked me and also attacked me so I wouldn’t track him visiting two separate people, found me tracker.

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Kiro didn’t check Cloned N1; I think he really did check Arctic because he wouldn’t have claimed to be a protective PR in the first place if he knew Cloned was one.

Alternatively, if Kiro’s an odd-night rolecop, he checked Arctic and found him VT, but he knows Gorta is his teammate, he knows I claimed investigative with no CC, and Worse never acted like a PR so he’s unquestionably VT. In that case, Kiro couldn’t have taken a PR action N2 and so he attacked me to cover so it would look like he was able to protect every night as opposed to having a watered-down investigative role like I do.

Also, here’s another reminder that Kiro was trying to vote people on D1 and D2 who were not being wagoned, and Arctic was completely abstaining, so just logically, the other wolf had to be pushing/jumping on the wagons. The players who were voting on wagons were Cloned, Gorta, Worse, and me.

Summary of opinions I’ve read during D3:

Me: it has to be Gorta (but lol imagine if it were Arctic)
Arctic: it has to be Gorta (but lol imagine if it were Wind)
Worse: it has to be Gorta (but lol imagine if it were Wind or Arctic)
Gorta: it has to be Arctic.

hello, agenda push.


Message to check that I’m here … I love my pokemon


whats your pokemon kiro? before we ostracize you?

But I like to imagine it’s a black raquaza


show me buddy

but everyone has been sussing you
it made no sense to go for YBW if i was actually a wolf

I’ll take a look at it

this isn’t a defence
if you are easy to lynch then, well, get good
this game isn’t just about solving, it’s about social skills as well, so you should learn some of those

bit of an understatement

gorta, this is the most obvious agenda push from you

everything you’ve done has been agenda agenda agenda

you have only ever pushed people when the alternative is you dying, showing it’s just a response push rather than you genuinely believing it

like silviu, appel, and now me


Good morning yall :3

Lets gooooo bb

Lol I think Gorta is running out of defenses

me and my machop are gonna make it through this

is there anything else we need to talk about

especially you wind since you die tonight

also still waiting for gorta to respond to my iso on him

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Kiro YouButWorse, Kiro 2/3
Not voting an_gorta_pratai, ArcticXI, WindwardAway 3

Votes are locked and can’t be moved

Like 5.5 hours left