[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

No, I re-evaluated you yesterday and then started pushing you

how many times are you going to say you ‘re-evaluated’ as an excuse to having no actual reasons to make a push

if you were re-evaluating, then why not explain why you are re-evaluating to everyone? during that day?

you literally advocated on D1 that we all talk out our thought processes together

Alright. I had to do something but I’m back. I’m gonna explain why I’m voting for Gorta, and hope that if I’m wrong people dont get too mad at me.

  1. Gorta has been sus the entire game, both from me, wind, and cloned. I usually don’t trust myself, but as Arctic said, they were dead townies who also had other accurate reads (like on Kiro)
  2. If arctic were wolf, then I would be dead. N2, Arctic would’ve attacked me, and Kiro would “healed” Cloned. This would set up for a perfect mislynch on Gorta who would be lynched, resulting in Arctic & Kiro winning, no bussing needed.
  3. Reading through Arctic’s ISO, I don’t find any extremely suspicious plays. Theres no jumping back and forth (without reason like Kiro outting as PR), and he doesn’t switch his viewpoint a ton (like you do Gorta)

I hope I’m making the right play here, but I’m voting Gorta

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@YoubutWorse if you’ve noticed any red-flags in my ISO then bring them up and i’ll try to fill you in on my thought processes

Then you will just lose

i actually didn’t think about this
holy shit

You & Kiro also needed these people gone, more so than Arctic as I had just explained.

I feel really smart after making that revelation, like an actual detective. I kept going back to “but why was cloned killed? it just kills kiro?” and then I realized

inb4 you just didnt think about this and you’re still wolf

Anyway thats it, lets end this.

/vote an_gorta_pratai

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Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
ArcticXI an_gorta_pratai 1/2
an_gorta_pratai ArcticXI, YouButWorse 2/2

Votes are locked.

(flavor will go up later)

Flavor: Yall pulled the glocks out and shot Gorta

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Gorta was eliminated! He was:


Mafia Goon

You are a Mafia Goon. You share a 24/7 private chat with your fellow members of the Mafia. Each night, the Mafia must kill a player outside your faction.

Reach parity with the town.


The Town has won the game!

Remaining roles:

ArcticXI was Psyduck, Vanilla Town
YouButWorse was Machop, Vanilla Town


Its time for Best Scum Team Player and Best Town Player wards. Send them in ur classcards



eyyyyyyy town won a game


holy shit we did it

YBW you scared me so much by even considering that it could have been gorta but it was still the right play to consider

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