[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Probably Cheese since I havent heard much from them, but I don’t believe they are here rn

Lol :joy: Well, tbh I think he’s right. We’re getting more information out of each other by pushing than we are by being passive, if you know what I mean. We’ve not only gotten Silviu’s defense, but also the reasons why others thought he was suspicious. We have reasons why Arctic thinks I’m suspicious. We get information not only from the pushed people, but the ones doing the pushing.

Yes … I would like everyone to make a table and put up the one they think is town and down the one who could be a candidate to be scum

can you please explain this
i don’t see how min’s response was any worse than windward’s

both responses seem very scummy, only windward’s was more obvious

Well, the difference is that I actually voted on Silviu and Min didn’t.

I’ll explain it more in-detail tomorrow, but summed up, it’s like Windward said. Someone who openly votes immediately is more likely to be town, whereas someone who shades someone but stays on the sidelines is more likely to be a wolf.

the way i see it is that both of them ultimately had the same goal but chose different methods

min was passive from the get-go on the push on silviu but still hopped on the train, so whichever way it went he would gain credibility

windward hopped on the train fairly aggressively with a vote but once the push stopped she changed her perspective for the most part almost like they were trying to slither out of the bad situation they had been put in as a scum

ultimately both of them clearly intended on hopping on the train and following whatever the majority was doing

I’m going to go sleep now. Good night, everyone~

They use they/them pronouns
You can check them when clicking on someone’s pfp


Öitä! :wink:

I think they’re both deserving of sus. Pushing on Windward is fair but only pushing on them will lead to use not developing a ton of thoughts about everyone else. Min also seemed to just follow Appel around and play passively which is also something a scum would do.

But is that a town strategy? I’m not really sure.

Nah. As I said, I put my vote on him and it’s still on him for now. What I will say is that Silviu is not my only suspect. I do respect Appelsiini’s actual read on him, but that doesn’t mean I changed my mind. I’m not sure why you think I changed my mind.

yeah i see what you mean, but would be nice if you could explain more tomorrow
good night

Also, I didn’t know hammering was a thing so I might not have voted before laying out my reasoning if I’d known that beforehand. I thought it was as simple as voting, keeping my vote on them, and then unvoting before the end of the day if I so choose. But seeing as I gave my reasons by now and it wasn’t a quick mass vote, I think I’ve justified it, at least to myself.

If Silviu were just a framed townie, don’t you think the scum would’ve jumped quickly on hammering him? Appelsiini rescinded her vote and I was the only other to up him.

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i already sent several quotes indicating your uncertainty about silviu and your varying levels of sus on him, and as i said i’m pretty sure that could just be a strategy to gain credibility either way the majority goes

say if everyone else hopped on the train, you would say that you meant everything you said
but if everyone hops off (like what has happened now), you can use this ambiguity to alter your level of sus on silviu

you obviously haven’t changed your mind because regardless of whether you were town or scum that would be incredibly scummy, and i feel like a lot of the things i have been pushing on you for have prevented you from retracting your vote

there are only two mafia, and if you were one that would leave only another who may have been away during this time

Idk, I didn’t think I was being that ambiguous. I never said he wasn’t sus to me.

Honestly, I don’t think it makes much difference whether I would retract my vote or not. I don’t know how everyone else reads me but I think you’d still vote me either way, so I don’t see a point in retracting just to gain your favor.

This is true, but at least for me it’s also waaay too obvious to risk doing that on the first day as scum. It would be a pretty quick game if one scum died from making a stupid vote so early; I wouldn’t throw like that.

You have to remember - I might not have played FM before, but I’ve played Mafia and similar plenty of times. I know exactly what early voting does.

Do you mean that you are scum but that the people do not want to vote for sliviu? xD
Sorry its fun

That would be a sad scum play :joy: