[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Hi there, Gorta. How do you feel about playing with so many new people?

it’s something, the inner helper in me just makes me want to dispense helpful hints

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Hi appel!! How do you feel about this game! Nervous, confident, something else?


That post just edited my whole thing :frowning:

Hi peoples
Just finished a recording for orchestra

AMA for the next hour

Hmm. I feel the same as Gorta~ We should definitely help you guys the best we can. Let’s make this a fun game for everyone.

Are you scum?




Cheese lockscum, gg, you can all go home now

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/vote cheese

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Sup cheese.

Do you think you’ve seen anything odd from someone yet? Like a post someone made that interests you?

also, hey gorta. I made this post about how you shouldn’t hold back and help everyone whenever you feel you have some help to say but the system deleted my entire thing to you :joy_cat:. In general I just think you shouldn’t hold back. This is a newb friendly game, not a newb only game.

@an_gorta_pratai, @clonedcheese, I actually a have a question for both of you.

Since this is a newb-friendly game, it’s very likely that they will have different reactions than what we’re used to. How are you two planning to take this into consideration when reading them?

I want your response as well while i type up mine

Ive responded to i think you’s post - i felt like they, as well as other people at the beginning of the game, were quite performative. I want to townlean everyone that i felt this way towards - i think my first game i tried to seem like i was doing stuff to stay alive as town

Havent noticed anything else so far

i havent got past the elementary stage of reading yet so this shouldnt be a problem
Most likely going to project my own mindset onto others and see where that gets me
Im still a nrwbie at heart flailing around, im just a little better at the terminology now

I agree, which is why I am trying to point things out

Like I always do, I can read newer players decently

Also im kinda giving up reading on appel after what happed with corrupt votes

I was convinced that they were towny but here we are

Which might be a problem because they’re one of two extremely convincing voices in town, other one being min for sheer volume

resident dwp returns

Sure! I’m not sure if it’ll be accurate, but other than using my gut, my biggest focus will still be reading into their interactions with other people. I think doing those two can get me to a somewhat accurate conclusion.

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Im drunk on 9 cans of coke

So ima be saying my thoughts straight from my brai so have fun with that

Last game I had tmi, but I had to find dirt to frame the newer players

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I don’t know about being convincing, but I’ll try to do my best. Even if people have a hard time reading me <3 As long as my reads are correct, I will carry you to victory. Promise

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