[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Finally … Thank you very much now if I will understand everything much better

I’m counting on my fingers Wait a moment

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I assume you were talking about Silviu, but in that world I would have to be a wolf I guess. That outcome is very unlikely though

what exactly do you mean by this? Just confused on the wording

So cloned says that wind is scum? Because he is cop and that came out in his investigation? I honestly don’t believe you. I think he saved himself from dying at the beginning and now he wants to kill the only pr (wind) and then he may die tomorrow but he will leave the easy job to the other scum.

1 If I’m correct … And wind is town … Cloned is a mafia and wants to kill wind. Then they will kill another town player. So … (Counting …) There are … 3 town and 2 scum left. Then cloned gave up and we voted for it on the 3rd. And the mob kills someone else at night … (counting …) 2 town and 1 scum left … That would be a 50% win situation. And cloned was saved from the situation of dying on day 1.

This is basically what arctic said. I would also rather vote cloned over wind mainly because of his late claim

Lol … sorry I was lazy and didn’t see that

basically it doesn’t make sense for me to be voting Silviu right there if I am mafia

This is my second game and I just started thinking about the numbers

I already understand why they compare me to surge xd

who is surge somebody tell me please

He’s the guy who invited me to play the first game. I also played with silviu, cloned and gorta

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Why wouldn’t it make sense? If you were maf and you knew silviu was town, it would make sense to vote him, espeically after other people have already started sussing him and voting him.

I don’t believe that … That would be a bad move if he is scum

I don’t know … but you make me more suspicious of you worse

I’m starting to think it’s just Appel and one of Wind/Cloned, like this a tinfoil, but if you pay attention to what Appel said at the very first moment in the day they just vote me and suggested we need to have a talk about my slot, which would ignore the cloned/wind conflict for today. At that point they would just need to vote out the good side of the PR conflict

I was townreading Silviu all day, so me voting Silviu as mafia is suicide. I want you to reread my explanation of that vote

This is why I still think Worse is a prime candidate for being scum.

Neither Silviu nor Min voted, and both of them died as VT. The only other who didn’t vote was Arctic and I’m pretty confident he’s town. So I don’t think there’s any chance the scum abstained. I think one or both of them voted on Silviu. Kiro voted Cloned and Appel voted Gorta. I’m currently thinking one of those two is scum and then Worse or Gorta.

To clarify: if I assume this is a game where we have a mafia framer and two town investigatives, that would mean both Cloned and I are town and the possible pairings at this point would be Appel/Worse, Kiro/Worse, Appel/Kiro, Kiro/Gorta, Worse/Gorta, or Appel/Gorta (which would be a 2000IQ play but I think the chance is a bit low).

Can you vote for someone please? So I get an idea of ​​what they think? This will be a preliminary so don’t be afraid to change your vote later, I just want to see your intentions.