[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

If y’all were t/w from a Cloned scum perspective he would have pushed you or night killed you. You would have killed cloned/ tried to make it look like Cloned was scum. Does that explain things?

I am sure that Appel is a wolf and I think you are a wolf as well. Like I don’t think your claim is real.

When I make my case you will see. The thing is Appel’s scum game replicates her town game quite well.

Socially I don’t see it, like y’alls d2 has been much better than y’alls d1.

Gorta, can I get your readlist please?

I don’t have a new one since I got caught in the trap of defending/pushing my number 1 scum read at this moment and then I spent the night watching movies. I can repost the old ones that are quite shit

I’m seriously trying to take the mindset of “Gorta is town here.”

Gorta, have you looked at my Day 1? Why do you think I have done the things I did? You haven’t talked about that at all, which is a bit concerning. If you’re so confident on your scumread, surely you’ll be able to explain all of it. Right?

I am a procrastinator, but I will get to that

I just got back from breakfast, so I will continue my case now and I will cover your d1 as well

Thank you. I hope we can actually discuss it out in a way that is more progressive than what it has been during the last 24+ hours.

In regards to the protective PRs, I will say this: Cloned hasn’t pushed Kiro super hard, so I really don’t get the feeling he outed as bodyguard just to frame Kiro as a mislynch. I might be wrong, but I think it’s less likely Cloned is lying as compared to Kiro, and I really don’t know if Kiro is lying, either.

Maybe, but at least today Cloned confirmed that he was on me. He did try to bait me by claiming cop and asking why I was scum, but he never said that he wasn’t on me.

I don’t think anything in particular is to my advantage. I’m the only town investigative PR right now, but there’s nobody saying I’m guaranteed to be town. I’m a tracker, not a cop, so that says basically nothing about my alignment. You have to go off my interactions with everyone else to determine whether you think I’m town or not.

It’s possible, yes. I don’t see it being very likely that Gorta and Worse are w/w because they would have put each other at risk too easily by jumping on the Silviu vote at the same time (along with me), but I’m also trying to determine if there’s any wolfiness in their reactions to being pushed here.

So far, Gorta has been defending himself against Appel’s accusations and throwing the shade back in her direction. This has been going on since yesterday, so I don’t see them as both wolves unless they’re just doing an incredible job of trying to bus each other.

Worse, on the other hand, made no move to defend himself from my accusations until I specifically asked him why he wasn’t defending, and he really only said he’s not scum and is easily swayed by other people’s opinions and would happily jump votes if told who to vote. It could be an unconfident newbie mindset, but it could also be a newbie wolf mindset.

It’s possible that one or both of them is just bad town, but I pretty strongly suspect one of them is a wolf right now. If Gorta is a wolf, then I don’t think Appel or Worse are his teammates. That would leave Cloned, Kiro, and Arctic, but I also have doubts that Arctic is a wolf in the first place. With a good teammate he could be, but his attitude screams town to me and he’s high up on my town list. If Worse is a wolf, I don’t think Gorta is his teammate, but I’d have to do some more digging. Worse could be w/w with Appel, but I don’t think he can be w/w with Kiro.

gamee timeeeeeee
aimfafo[quote=“WindwardAway, post:1688, topic:84748”]
In regards to the protective PRs, I will say this: Cloned hasn’t pushed Kiro super hard, so I really don’t get the feeling he outed as bodyguard just to frame Kiro as a mislynch. I might be wrong, but I think it’s less likely Cloned is lying as compared to Kiro, and I really don’t know if Kiro is lying, either.

I really thought that cloned was going to vote for me … But hey … Just for that I will remove my vote and think about who the other scum could be

/unvote cloned :eagle:

I tell you too. My heart has a very great loving power and I am good 100%

Well actually 99%. My crazy things are always crazy. I don’t usually play as a team but I’m doing my best. I consider this day to be the most important and I want to win

I’m going to ask another question that I’d like for everyone to answer. When I outed that Cloned visited me last night, and then Cloned claimed alignment cop who found me as scum, someone suggested a mafia framer. I jumped on the idea immediately and pushed for people to believe there had to be a framer.

Did you guys believe my reasons for saying there had to be a framer, or did any of you think I was covering my tracks?

Cloned found the info about mafia framers after Appel mentioned it, and posted it for everyone to admire.

And this told me Cloned didn’t expect me to track him.

Btw. I was the first to give my speculation on why Min died. I know someone was asking about that earlier, so here’s the quote since I happened to find it now. Appel commented on it after, saying it was sus that I had that answer ready immediately. She absolutely had reason to say that, too.

Another thing I want to bring up is Arctic’s read on Worse:

This is what he gave after Appel asked. Arctic, have there been any changes to your read on Worse since then? Or has this stayed pretty much the same?

Going back to what I said earlier, if we ignore Cloned and me for now, that leaves Gorta and Worse by this assumption again. I’m thinking the lynch today should be between the two of them, but I’m still trying to figure it out. I feel like if we lynch Gorta, we would know whether Appel and Worse could be scum, but that would be risky if Gorta is actually just bad town. I’m not pushing for any lynches yet; I want a couple more hours.

Also those are my totally disorganized thoughts on several topics at once, so I’m sorry if I didn’t transition properly from one topic to the next. I didn’t want to scroll up more than once so I quoted as I found them lol.

If cloned is lying … He knew there was a PR in the city who for some reason did not say his role. And that was me. Many told me that I should say my role if there was another pr that’s why I said my role to clarify things

You missed the “investigative PR” part and also the part where Arctic, Cloned and I said that protective PRs should not out themselves.

I didn’t quite read it that way. Appel brought up the possibility of a framer, not Cloned, but Cloned was right about the balance.

|[quote=“WindwardAway, post:1696, topic:84748”]
but Cloned was right about the balance.

I don’t understand the balance … If there are 2 mafias … is it possible 2 town guards and an investigator?

That’s why they said that there could be two mafia with pr

I meant Cloned was right about a balanced game if we had a mafia framer AND 2 town investigatives, but right now the synopsis is that we only have 1 town investigative (me) and 2 town protectives, which is completely different.

I wanted to vote for cloned the first day and I wouldn’t have so many doubts. I always considered that cloned was plotting some expert strategy that I would not understand. I don’t understand why he said he was an investigator and then a protector. Did he just put pressure on you? The main reason I wanted to vote for cloned again on day 2 was because I changed roles very quickly. I found it quite difficult to consider that the mafia has a framer … what are the chances? also I don’t think they put a framer in a game of noobs. That’s why I thought that cloned wanted to get rid of wing but his move didn’t work out and then I thought he would vote for me but it’s weird that he’s not doing it. Wing and cloned want to vote for another of the remaining 4 and solve this through night actions …

because he (cloned) changed roles very quickly.