[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Judging by the active posts/likes, yes, they are

And you too :3

no i need them all to do something at once

It’s time for me to fix something to eat if my kitchen is clear

I’ll be back though, but I won’t be on as much tomorrow

I literally have to go eat rn, ill be back in 30 min

ok fuck it i’ll do it tomorrow

Same for me, actually, but I’ll be here for sure around the time the day/night cycle usually starts (cause I don’t know how else to specify a time lol, but we all seemed to be active today at that hour so I’m gonna assume it’ll work again).

Or I can just post a time here, actually.


If everyone can be here at the time specified above, Arctic can do his thing.

If everyone leaves me … I’ll be left weighing alone

Dont know if I’ll be able to. May be still doing stuff with the family at that time. I can try tho

The mafia must be thinking what to do

Now that I think about it … Wind was thinking that I was going to blame him and he told me why I haven’t done it yet … I’m going to keep thinking … I think it will be for the best although I know that at this moment I am the main suspect …

Nothing really has happened

Yeah, it’s been quiet lol. Would you mind updating your readlist btw? I’d like to see what you think, especially since Appel flipped town.

I’ll get there, but I have to start cooking soon

It’s just 6 people, so when I get the chance it won’t take long

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No rush

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btw I said it wouldnt be able to be here at 5 and I lied because i forgot today wasnt thanksgiving >_<

so yeah im available all day

Since wind asked, here it is



I mean I completely buy his tracker claim. Could be maf, but if he’s maf I will both be upset and impressed that he fooled us all


A potential scum in my eyes, but it isn’t exactly likely. Couldn’t pair with anybody well, really the only person i could imagine them with would be Gorta or Wind, and I doubt they’re with Gorta. Good in my eyes, but not entirely clear yet.


Seems to be maf with Kiro, which makes sense in my eyes. Probably convinced Kiro to claim PR after Wind outted as tracker, too. Made too many mistakes both d1 and d2, but Appel jumping off that train was just too sus in my eyes


His PR claim could’ve been confirmed, but he decided to heal wind instead of cloned. Now I thought the protective chain was stupid, so I can kind’ve get not healing cloned, but healing wind instead? Really? Literally anybody else, including cloned, would have been better. As I stated earlier, I think that Kiro thought wind tracked them, which resulted in them panicking and saying they were on wind to “heal” them when they actually attacked wind and killed cloned instead.


Ask me any questions you want, I’ll try to answer them as best I can

