[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

also before you come up with your ‘thing’ why can’t you just answer this off the top of your head

you can’t actually post anything other than a pre-meditated artificial response

I fell asleep around there

I need some breakfast and then I work on my massive wall post

can you do it within the next 6 hours


more like the next 4 now

that should be enough

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, ArcticXI, YouButWorse 3

Votes are locked.

now the next 2

the fact he couldn’t explain the whole ‘i couldn’t unvote thing’ as soon as we asked him makes me think he’s trying to come up with another pre-meditated excuse of getting out of it

if he had a genuine, good explanation as of to why he said that then why would he say not say it instantly

instead he decided to take another 24 hours to fabricate something

1 Like

I’ll make my vote when the 6 hours are up (aka 2 hours from now)

I didn’t say much because I was focused on pushing Arctic, but it’s time to explain some things
(1) First off, why I townread Worse yesterday
I remember having then as a null read d1, but after d1 they improve so much. Like I just needed more content, but you had a great d2. You handled the PR conflict well and even if we were wrong about Appel you did read Kiro a wolf since d1 and you didn’t know any agenda behind it. Your tone has been great, it’s just that your d1 was kind of meh in my opinion. I know I didn’t explain my read on you yesterday, but I don’t I was trying to explain with Arctic is a deepwolf here. This isn’t the first time I found a wolf and no one listens to me and instead pushes me.
(2) the “I didn’t know I could unvote” thing
I was in the middle of playing a game during EoD d1. I didn’t see any vote count, so I thought that by me just unvoting that either me or Silviu dies. If I had known I could unvote and not vote Silviu I would. I know I said wouldn’t vote Silviu to save my own life, but I came to the conclusion in my head that if it was Silviu or me I would rather live. I usually have good reads and I know it was selfish, but I wanted to catch wolves. Like if Appel was a wolf no one would have noticed likely.
(3) Arctic’s agenda
I don’t like the way he was speaking with me yesterday. Like everytime he would talk to me he would blow off my arguments and insist I am the killed. He would say “when you kill wind” or “you will kill wind” and quite frankly that is not something a towny says. He did push Kiro, but he was clearly bussing Kiro. I also feel like he was signaling Kiro to claim when he said “if there is a 3rd investigative pr claim we just kill the other two”, but Kiro probably misunderstood him. He then pushes you, but moves to me when there is no momentum on Worse. He also conveniently found my “w/w interactions” and displayed them. In fact when you look at those “interactions” they are strange, but if you consider that I never interacted back Arctic probably Kiro say that to frame me.
Listen Worse, I know you think you think you are too influencable, but there is an in between being stubborn and refusing to see reason and having an open door for a mind. When I first started my reads were usually good, but when I built up confidence I pushed a mislynch. There is a balance and you need to find it. Right now you are listening to a wolf because you think you can be easily influenced, but it doesn’t have to be the that way. I hope you can listen to reason and see that I am being set up and that you are listening to a wolf.

I didn’t want to type a crap ton of stuff on my phone and I was making a post that went over several topics

not gonna lie i expected something a bit bigger but here we go
give me a min

i’ll respond to your thing in a sec but i just saw this
TMI :tm:
so the real reason appel didn’t die is because you didn’t kill her so you could get her killed the next day as you knew you and her would most likely be in a 1v1
surprisingly you succeeded

@YoubutWorse I’m voting Arctic, you can follow if you want. I don’t know how to defend myself anymore, just know that if you don’t get out of the tunnel we will lose. You are trusting a wolf right now. Why would Appel unvote me and say that I am just a bad towny if I was a wolf? We have played before and this wouldn’t be the first time I tunnel someone and they say I am town. /vote arctic

also why did you specifically ask why you were scum with kiro out of all the possibilities

why does this sound like you don’t actually care

If that was my plan I would have an easier time removing Appel via killing her because going 1 v 1 with Appel seems scary