[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Yeah I feel like Kiro is acting exactly like he was when he decided to sheep surge the entire time he was alive in the other game. Obviously I can’t look at much as that’s only one game but Kiro really just looks town again here.

That’s fair of an observation

There is a little bit of a difference between tos and forums though. It’s easier to notice differences in behavior.

My name is Appelsiini.

I’ll keep that in mind. How much experience do you have with FM/social deduction games?


I love social deduction games, as I love to read people. Isn’t your pfp about Chiaki, you finnish? Anyways I never seen a finnish person so hii, how is in the eternal winter place?

Now I do indeed read people and try to say how suspicious their behavior is, but no matter how suspicious someone is, they can just be a townie, and I don’t exactly know what I can do about that.

Pf, I guess I’ll be representing a lot of people then~ It’s very cold in here.

I think that’s the hardest part about reading people. You can try to speculate and look into their interactions with other people, but sometimes you’ll just have to go with your gut.

surely there is only so much you can infer day 1 before anything has really happened?

People don’t actually know how to read their gut. I suggest they use both thought process and the intuition. You can’t just go like an Among Us player with only the intuition because this is why reddit is mocking them for.

speaking of gut feelings, i have a gut feeling i am going to be set up for a mislynch later in the game

Mhm, that’s what I meant. I suppose a good example would be my read on Kiro: I pointed out how they latched onto someone, and essentially decided with my gut whether it was scum pocketing or an unsure town.

This is true, but don’t get the wrong idea; Day 1 is not useless. Having people flip will help us, sure, but FM is all about reading into social interactions. We’ll use the extra info as the game goes on, but for now, we’ll have to do what we can.

Why is that?

Remember that the gut might not contribute with your current thought process, what if it tries to say something else and you interpret it wrong?

That’s on you, then. I personally think it helps me, but that’s not the same for everyone.

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The gut feeling I believe is the subconciousness trying to signalize something to you but obviously is hard to understand.

I believe so too.

Anyway, I re-read the thread and Min is town judging by their Tone:tm: even though I didn’t like their PR talk there.

/vote YouButWorse <- Voting for pressure.

it’s just a gut feeling
combined with the fact that i have no idea what i’m doing

I don’t have any strong gut feelings yet about this game, lol

(also my earlier reply got yeeted by my internet but I’m a female gamer, if I even qualify as a gamer that is)

Chiaki, I also learned that some crack under pressure but that also doesn’t mean they’re mafia, seems like a desperate situation.

Okay, actually this depends on the person.

Mmmm yeah, I know the type. The ones who will crack under pressure and kind of hint that they’re guilty (or just plain give up) even when they aren’t :stuck_out_tongue:

Vote Count

Gotta Track 'em all

Voted Voters Votes
YouButWorse Appelsini 1/5
Not Voting Min, Gorta, Cheese, Arctic, Kiro, Slviu, Windward, YouButWorse 8