[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

But the reason they’re posting less is because they’re asleep.

That’s actually fair enough thx 4 explaining

I don’t actually have much else to say rn

Definitely a slow d1


Silviu answering for other people is very… interesting. Their focus has been on the wrong places, such as talking about the PR, and I haven’t been impressed with them so far. This seems rand > W

/vote Silviu~

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If you’re voting for me to reveal something, I don’t even know myself what I’m even going to reveal.

Question can we use past behavior of other players?

Like comparing their behavior with past posts.

I’m voting you because you’re wolfy, I don’t think you’ve been acting villagery and we’re 20 hours into D1.

We can. Go wild.

Hoorah. We used that in the past game so we reveal both Surge and Dat wasn’t them.

@min Do you know any person from here you played previously with?

Oh yeah, Chiaki, you said that you trust your intuition, right?

So how many times it helped you with answers? It can be whenever you chose the correct answer at a test, it can be that you guessed a person correct…

It is Appel

My gut helps me a lot in FM, though I primarily use reasoning and logic, like right now. I can’t think of any times I’ve needed it IRL, but a good example would be the time I fully went with my gut and guessed 3/4 of the wolves correctly. That is not to say my gut it perfect, because it certainly isn’t: there’ve been lots of times I was wrong.
But it isn’t relevant to this because I’m using logic, nothing you’ve done has impressed me.

@min when you get here, mind telling me your read on Silviu? I felt like this was a good time to reveal my thoughts about him, and since you’ve interacted with him the most (like the PR talk), it’d be useful to get your insight.

I do not like how you’re like “Ohhh they voted me for no reason”, we voted you because we had reasons, we didn’t use your intuition blindly like… your own master.
I voted you because
-Saying you’re noob when you have so many wins in social deduction games
-Sheeping with the group instead of thinking individually.
-Were apologizing because I’ve thought you just used a defense mechanism when you said something suspicious.
-Going silent for certain periods of times.

Then Dat voted you for:
-Having a feeling of you not helping the town.
-“Clinging” for Surge.
-You not answering to her questions.

And there’s many more who voted you for reasons.

Now there’s many reason why people voted you, now I would like you to stop sounding like you were voting for existing, remember we aren’t your enemies, I know we did a mistake, but please do not act like we accused you of just being there.

I have to actually agree with what you said about Silviu, because my impression is that they aren’t acting particularly like a townie. My suspicion has already been on them lol… I’m only worried I’m voting too early here but I don’t have any other leads I can go off.

/vote Silviu200530

And I’m once again calling Dat a “her”, Sorry.

Now I would like to require your own definition of one acting as a townie. Make an ISO about me if you got to but don’t just get pushed by someone who seems to be as smart as the in-game Chiaki. It’s okay if you agree with them but I would like you to say more of your suspicions more.

Even tho I’m in hot water, this is a perfect timing to see how everyone would react to this, try to remember this carefully.

All right, here goes. I haven’t seen anything in your discussion that would lead me to think you’re vanilla, first off. You’ve been doing a pretty good job of bringing up discussion points by countering or questioning things that other people have said so far during the day, which makes me think you’re fishing for information. It could be power role behavior, maybe even investigative behavior, but it could also be mafia behavior imo.

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Chiaki is objectively intelligent, even though she lacks in social skills, so I will proceed to take this as a compliment.

I apologise, but if I would be fishing for the roles, then I would just straight-up pressure Min into answering. Now because I bring up good points to the conversation that doesn’t mean I’m acting as professional as I can as for facade, this is how I like to act.

I see that your reasoning isn’t complete, please try to find anymore proof.

Yes, it is a compliment.

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@WindwardAway do you have any other reads? Since you’ve been having your own thoughts, it seems.