[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

I know but the way they phrased it made is sound decently important and also it just peaked my curiosity.

@min say it once or I’ll have to vote for you … plssss :v

lets give them the day, they may be doing something

if they dont respond however, tear them to shreds

That sounds like scum but it’s very obvious so I guess it’s kidding. Or maybe that’s what you want us to think :v

help how to use mafia chat

/s btw pls dont vote me =(

Hey hey sorry I was busy

Not gonna talk abt it rn

It’s not that important but important enough I don’t wanna tell u

Alright fair enough, still may ask for it again if i live to tomorrow

That’s alright, no worries

Honestly that’s fine. Sometimes it’s better to keep info to yourself until you have a better idea of whether it’s safe to out, or after seeing what happens during the night. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna have a lot more to say on D2 with stronger reasoning, but I felt like I had to give my opinion on most things since Arctic still thinks I’m very sus (and so does clonedcheese, but they didn’t have too much to add to the discussion yet, either).

Yeah that’s fair no worries

People are very paranoid as well and they usually cling onto small things that could align someone as mafia but you’ve just gonna continue to act townie

Well, when that’s all the information you have, it makes sense to me. Look, I’m still clinging to the things I inferenced about Silviu. Doesn’t mean I’m right and doesn’t mean I’m wrong, but I needed somewhere to start and just chose a very weird way to jump in on it. I prefer playing more quietly but I was pretty loud about my opinion, so I just need to continue to be vocal so you guys see my train of thought.

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No worries

I’m sure you’ll be listened to, after all this is a game for everyone to share their voice.

yup ^^ no worries
unless I get lynched or killed, cause then I won’t be around for anyone to listen to

if you have any reads just tell us and we can discuss them

If you have low confidence reads discuss them with is. What makes you doubt the read? Let’s talk about it

In the past I have had game winning reads, but I never really talked about them, didn’t have the confidence, or pushed them. Even if my reads can be good if they aren’t out there they won’t be in the market of ideas, so it’s good to put your ideas out there no matter how unpopular they might be

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All of that reasoning, is pretty much based on assumptions, don’t you feel that, for a second, that those aren’t even concrete. I already revealed my personality in that defense post, so some of those are motivated. If is planned why didn’t I just go ahead without asking?

And yeah, I wanted to tell Chiaki she was wrong but I also thought that the “~” she used was a joke.

And even if my defense is p l a n n e d, people behave differently when they’re in the wrong, so do I behave differently than my town arsonist and my pokemon self?

You’re speaking? You should tone down if you have a similar attribute.