[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

It’s a wolfy villager

I do not quite understand.

Welcome to the thread though kiro. How do you feel about this game?

This is the second and I’m basically upset because they killed me on day 1 because they didn’t think I was a noob

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Ah, so they assumed you were pretending to be new? That sucks. Just know that in this game it’ll be common knowledge that you really are new at the game, so you shouldn’t be executed for that reason anymore.

Coming into this new game, do you feel confident or nervous?

Well … I told them that I didn’t mind dying and they killed me: v

So I don’t feel nervous and I’m not afraid of dying but it does bother me that they kill me in such a silly way. Now I know that most of us are new here so I feel better

oh man that’s a RIP :frowning: well, I guess it’s fortunate the noobs have been declared noobs in this game lol.

I will say it again. If my English is weird … I apologize. I speak 100% Spanish and 30% English

dude thats sick learning two languages is super hard and english is also super stupid

Nah you’re doing great! ^^ No worries at all. And yeah, what YoubutWorse said… English is a stupid language :stuck_out_tongue:

I am also understanding this game better … because I play town of salem

No worries! a language barrier might hinder things a bit but it won’t make it outright impossible to understand your intentions. Playing games like these help with learning English anyway!

Also, just a small idea to help. You should always try and defend yourself if you’re being wagoned (wagoned basically means you have votes on you and if you have the most votes you’re the top wagon) as we have 9 players. The more town we execute the more scum slowly starts gaining an advantage on us.

This is why myself I’m going to think more before immediately hopping on a wagon to execute someone.

It’s obviously very easy to execute town, as it has happened many times (you can even vouch for this, kiro)

I don’t trust anyone anyway, so if I think you’re scum don’t be mad

Executing town is easier than executing scum, if my memory serves right

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I only trust Surge but he’s not here
@ChopChop I love u :3

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@clonedcheese you have nothing to say to me?
I still think you think like me but you were wrong in the previous game. Who won that game?

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I only know that this is earned by talking so tell me something interesting please

Min reminds me of surge. Try to read the thoughts of others. But I am also afraid that it is a mafia that tries to pass itself off as a town. But I will decide to trust her for now. Min is my new surge in this game

I trust nobody. And I will never trust anybody.

I like to trust someone and try to think like he thinks. If it seems bad to me I will vote it anyway

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