[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Min, can I say that you only answer when you’re asked to or there’s a voting happening?

At this point I’m suspicious of you, silviu, and appel, preeettty closely

I don’t see you/silviu being a team.

Don’t get me wrong, that’s just a nitpick, now I’ve seen what enemies I have.

by you u mean me right?

why do i care about those lol

…no by that i mean wind, cuz i was talking to wind
I’ll refer to you as “worse”

Alright, i’ve just seen alot of people calling me “you” so I wanted to clear that up in my head


you should appeal for a name change

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I double that suggestion.

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no I’ve used this username for years and I like it

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You are me but worse?


Innitiate Panic Attack Mode

You’re Wrong
Don’t you see you have flaws?
That’s ISO is pathetic
What do you mean?
You can do better than that!


Didn’t you also scumread Silviu? This was much earlier on but if you got sus from him by the same things that cloned got sus from, then why do you think that they’re bad for that?

Yes. It’s because I’m busy and personally don’t have anything important to say unless I’m asked. Also, is this shade being thrown towards me?

@WindwardAway I hate to be the one to ask this question but are you a VT? I’m asking because if you end up not flipping scum and we wrongfully kill an investigative or a power role, I won’t be happy.

That’s interesting. So Cloned think between Silviu and me, one of us is a wolf

Yeah, I also scumread Silviu but in comparison to Cloned I would say less so. I needed more material to work with from Cloned, Worse and Gorta, which I had by today finally. And out of you three, Cloned is still giving me scummier vibes than Silviu for sussing both of us. I still don’t like Silviu’s response to being voted early, but I also don’t like how Cloned is kind of pushing both of us.

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Ah, don’t worry.

If I say I’m a VT you’ll lynch me, and if I say I’m a PR I’ll get killed at night. So how am I supposed to answer that?

I honestly thought you were either werewolf or PR and i didnt wanna say anything but min said it so

answer truthfully

Cloned gives a very one-sided ISO and it makes it look very bad because of people having espically different opinions.