[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Like I won’t vote on Silviu

if we know wind isnt a wolf, does that mean we can narrow it down to those 2? or should we open up or suspects because a few people pushed on wind, including me

Wind is apparently claiming PR role and I don’t know about cheese

narrowing a pool of suspects is great

Well for starters, I 100% dont think it’s min because they’ve been supporting wind for a while, even after wind was moved to the highest sus

I’m not claiming a PR, but I’m claiming not VT.

what ze fuck

@clonedcheese why Silviu? I am 90% sure Silviu is a towny based on tone and I don’t think newb scum can fake tone this well

read posts lol

Sleepy Appel. Slow. Gonna go to sleep soon.

I still think Windward is town.
Granted, it’s not as strong of a townread as before, but I’m still leaning town, mostly based on their tone. After rereading their ISO, I can see wolf-equity there, but overall I think they’re a bad townie; There are some things that support this.

The first reason being that Windward has seemed to be very comfortable being pressured, and spends more time explaining herself rather than arguing why she’s towny, letting others decide it and not freezing up like newb wolves usually do. I think… this is a very obvious tell for people who play ToL etc.
I can get into their thought process with posts like this:

Like… sure. I can buy this. This is possible – we are talking about newbies, after all.

They also townread Arctic’s aggressiveness as they’re pushing her, which I find towny, unless their whole plan at this moment is to pocket others: which isn’t really it, since they’re already going against people by holding onto their scumread even though I think the reasons for it aren’t the greatest.

You can’t expect new people to always know where to look, and I can already understand their thought process, so that’s why I’m not holding them to such a high standard. Though I would like to hear their current opinion on Silviu.

My read can basically be summed up with “they’re not very good yet, but their tone screams town.”

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Did you just put my 30-minute wallpost into two sentences right before I posted it
Gorta, are you town after all
I like your reads


PR can stand for “power role”

did you just say you weren’t VT to avoid a lynch?

I don’t know if I have the energy to fully respond to Cloned’s wallpost about me/Silviu, but I’m just going to say: @clonedcheese have you ever seen me be the one to pressure my teammate, especially that early? You should know I often avoid interacting with them at all as a wolf.
I could explain what went through my mind with the Silviu read but I’m quite literally too tired to remember

Wait, is power role anything that isn’t vanilla? I thought power role was specifically something like ToL prince…?

No. As Arete stated in the OP, everything included in the list are considered “normal roles”

ToS2 to me and Magnus
SFV to one of me/Italy

especially SFV where you used it for towncred

A power role is typically anything that has power of some kind.

I don’t think this is role madness though

I was… never in that game? confusion

SFV is a nice reference, but that was my third game ever, when my playstyle was still forming. Corrupted Votes, Watch Your Mouth and FoL29 are good examples of my playstyle now.

Uh, I’m not really sure what that means, but I have a role that’s obviously on Arete’s list and it’s not vanilla? Lol