[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Silviu was voted out! They were:


Vanilla Town

You are a Vanilla Townie. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Night 1 begins and will end in 24 hours, at 2020-11-21T23:00:00Z. If you have a night action, you may submit it in your role PM.

EoD1 Flavor

As the group of trainers made their way through Victory Road, one of them decided to strike up a conversation.

“You know, it’s weird how we’re all trying to challenge the Elite Four with only a single Pokèmon each,” she said. “Wouldn’t we stand a better chance if we had a full team of six, like most elite trainers?”

“Don’t be silly!” said another one. “It’s not really necessary to have a full team of six. What’s important is that you bond with your Pokèmon partners, no matter how many of them you have.”

Ji-ga-lee-ee-puff!” sang his Jigglypuff in agreement.

“Hey, wait a minute,” said a third one of them, stopping abruptly. “I think something happened to one of my water bottles.”

They pulled out several water bottles from their bag. Most of them were full, but one of them was nearly empty. They squinted at it, finally pointing towards the bottom. “See? There’s a hole.”

“Oh no!” said another one. “Do you need me to give you some of my water?”

The trainer shook their head. “I still have plenty of other water bottles, so I’ll be fine. I’m just worried for what this means. I packed my bag myself, and all the water bottles were fine then. Someone must have sabotaged mine when we stopped to eat lunch.” Their eyes flickered from one member of their group to another.

“I think it’s Silviu!” said Clonedcheese finally. “Their Pokèmon partner is a Seadra, which is a water type. So even if we ran out of water, they’d still be able to have plenty for themself. It would be too risky for anyone else.”

Youbutworse, Windward, and Gorta all immediately nodded in agreement. “We can’t keep letting them travel with us,” said Gorta. “Not if they’re going to do things like that.”

“That’s – that’s too much,” said Appel. “What if they get mobbed by a swarm of Zubat, and they can’t defend themself?”

“Well, obviously we should give them some Repels, so they can make it back to Viridian City in safety,” said Clonedcheese. He started doing arithmetic aloud. “Let’s see, if we’ve been walking for four hours so far…”

“I’m just a trainer like the rest of you!” said Silviu. “All I want is to be the very best, I don’t need to sabotage the rest of you to do that!”

“Stop making excuses!” said Cloned. “Just be glad that we’re trying to be sure you can get back safely. Stop pretending you didn’t do it!”

Silviu stopped talking, afraid of what might happen if they provoked the others any further. At last, Silviu took their Seadra and began to make their way back towards the beginning of Victory Road.


Processing Night Actions now

Min awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of a rock striking the wall deep into the cave. They hesitated for a moment. It was probably nothing, a Geodude throwing a stone or something like that. They rolled over and tried to fall back to sleep.

Crash . Another rock struck against the wall, this one louder. They groggily pulled themself out of their sleeping bag, clipped their Pokèball to their belt, and grabbed their bag. They shivered slightly as they walked deeper into the cave, the light growing dimmer as they did so.

As they came into a wider area, two trainers stepped out of the shadows. “I challenge you to a Pokèmon battle!” said one of them.

“It’s the middle of the night,” said Min, slurring their words out of tiredness. “Whaaa…”

“Pokèmon League regulations dictate that a trainer can’t refuse a challenge,” said the other trainer, smirking. “If you back down here, I’ll report you to the League, and you won’t be able to challenge the Elite Four for another six months.”

Min sighed. “Vulpix! Go!” they said, tossing out an orange five-tailed fox.

The two trainers converged on them. Their Vulpix fought valiantly, but it didn’t stand a chance against two Pokèmon working in concert. At last, it collapsed to the ground, exhausted.

The two trainers began to close in on Min. “Vulpix, come back!” they shouted desperately, but their Vulpix was too exhausted. They reached in their bag, grabbing an item. Finally, they closed their eyes and dove for Vulpix, picking it up, and simultaneously activated the Escape Rope they were holding. There was a flash of white, and they found themself standing in a Pokèmon Center.

Min’s Vulpix has fainted in the night!


Vanilla Town

You are a Vanilla Townie. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Day starts and will last 48 hours or til 2020-11-23T23:10:00Z or til majority is hit which is now 4

enjoy your extra 2.5 minutes as I wanted an even time

I’m gonna have to be inactive for the next few hours so Im just gonna post this here. This was made prior to the start of day 2 btw



I mean he outed as the PR, probably confirmed town unless someone decides to CC


Outed as an inves role (I think?), and I believe him


Appel has been acting very town like. They jumped off of silviu who we now know is town, which could be a scum play but from everything else theyve said they seem to be town. They also voted gorta, and I regret not voting gorta with them.


Arctic still hasn’t jumped off of that “wind may be scum” train which may seem sus to some people but it makes sense in my head. Scum could still lie about not being VT. Although i believe wind I see where arctic is coming from and it doesn’t seem like something a scum would do. I think a scum would instead switch targets to somebody else more suspicous after they out something like that.


The way Kiro pushed on cloned with gorta made me very suspicous of them. They didn’t even change their vote when they outed as the pr. He may be acting in a sus way to avoid death, but you sould always want to die if it helps the town. I think one of gorta or kiro is scum, either w/w, t/w, or w/t. Kiro is a bit more towny imo compared to Gorta but I think they should still both be looked at heavily over the coming hours.


If there is one thing I wish that I could do better, it would be that I wished I pushed on Gorta more. I wish I didn’t panic, but instead stood calm and voted Gorta, who I thought was scum anyhow. A lot of people at the time were saying it was either Cloned or silviu, and I didnt think it was either but I didnt want to not vote with the town because I assumed they would make better calls than me. I 100% believe that Gorta or Kiro are scum, more so leaning towards Gorta. They pushed a ton on Cloned when they’re the power role, and when i asked for defences from them, they instead gave me reasons to vote cloned instead of them which isn’t something I think a town would do. I want to hear defences from them heavily, as they are the biggest sus I’ve ever had. As I stated earlier, I regret being too scared to vote Gorta D1.


Ask me any questions you want, I will answer them when I get back in a few hours.

Why the hell did everyone exe silviu last second???
i literally could not believe this




This would be due to everyone CFD-ing off of me ._.

what does CFD mean

changed their votes at the last minute

short for Chinese Fire Drill, although I don’t know the etymology

@WindwardAway come here

I wanna talk to you

It’s 1AM, so don’t expect wallposts from me, but I told you time and time again why Silviu is town. This was disappointing.

I’ll make my full case later, but Gorta is a wolf. He’s an obvious wolf. He quite literally voted his top townread after his top townread claimed PR and pushed for a CFD, which he accepted without question – this feels like TMI. He never even considered the possibility of Cloned lying in order to not be killed.

/vote Gorta

Top scumread* referring to Cloned. I’m tired.

Do you want to talk to me as well? How have your reads changed since Silviu’s death?

I’ve learned to shut my mouth about reads cuz I’m god awful ._.

I wanna talk mech and I need Windward here

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windward claimed non-VT but anyone can do that

right now after gorta windward is still my highest scumread. i would like her to actually claim, or maybe day 3 since i think it’s very likely gorta is going to be lynched today

What’s your read on Gorta?

Also, even though this is late, I want to say

Poor Min. It was still fun playing with them, and I wish it could’ve lasted longer.


Gorta’s reads mainly only stated the obvious, and he normally only sent reads when prompted rather than because he was going to anyway

Most of the things he says are just stating the obvious or things other people have already pointed out

He also townread silviu, and as you said, quickly changed his vote to him at the end to follow cloned, which was very scummy to me imo

also keeps saying this but not actually explaining:

and this

he proceeded to say several times he didn’t want to vote silviu but then ended up doing it anyway. the fact he followed cloned in this really worries me

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