[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Remember every time in ToL that there are three sheriffs/paladins, they all get yeeted by BD.

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oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh babyyyyyyyyy

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Yeah, it’s only 7 players, so I expect everyone to make a complete readlist and consider everything

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I survived. Now I feel like a winner

Kiro the more I play with you the more you remind me of Surge
And no, that’s an insult

Hey Kiro, once you catch up on reading, please give us a summary of your current readlist and who you think could be scum or not.

I don’t know what Pr means. Can someone explain to me?

power role
basically people who can do shit

Power Role = anyone who’s not vanilla town and can use an action

I’m working in it . my love

but 95% of the time at least one of them is evil

How do we verify the correct info? That’s my thing, how do we verify said info and find the correct PR, which is why I want to solve this stuff today.

Is it an insult or a good thing? I did not understand well. But thanks

and I do have a readlist, it’s just shit

How about that bugged game with 4 sheriffs though, the first was a night kill and the other 3 got exed in court

Basically Surge has a reputation here. He is the easy to read towny that often gets ignored for being lazy

The thing is that there’s not much for you to verify on me. Whether I’m a town tracker or mafia tracker, I saw Cloned on me and Cloned confirms being on me. I don’t think there’s anything weird there.

The fishy part is when Cloned said I turned up as scum, and that either means there’s a framer or that Cloned took some other kind of action on me and is just verbally framing me to justify what they did that I could have seen them on me for last night.

But if I were a mafia tracker and Cloned had outed as town PR, wouldn’t I have wanted him dead already? If I were mafia, why would I ask my team to target Min when Min effectively cleared me yesterday?

I personally think Min got killed for being too close to the truth and having a good scumread on one of the mafia, so I’m going to go back through their readlist and see if I can figure out what they saw that probably got them killed.

yeah like gorta said, as long as both of you are alive any information you provide is useless
we know one of your information is true, but since we don’t know which we can’t just assume which one it is. therefore both are useless


WindwardAway (My darling) - Kiro (Me v_v )
ArcticXI- (Sound good)
Min - Appelsiini** (Strange)
YouButWorse**(Scum?) - clonedcheese(lie?) - an_gorta_pratai (idiot?)- Silviu200530