[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

It’s simple, you said you were a self resolving PR when you were about to die and there was another PR claim. My thought process was that either Appel or Wind would die. so you could confirm yourself the next day. Maybe it’s a bad read, but I don’t know

You had to self resolve in some way

Doing Gorta a favor and quoting this.

If I may add my two cents, I thought the same thing. Either protective PR or roleblocker that I could easily confirm on myself. I had almost no expectations you’d be an investigative because investigatives don’t really self-resolve unless they find scum and lynch them as flipped scum (but here, we have a problem).

What Gorta said is very important. He assumed you were a protective, but one of the wolves did NOT assume that. Why frame me if no one’s there to see it? If they assumed I was a cop, they’d frame you instead and hope that I see it. But they framed me, and not you. That tells me that either Gorta is town, or if he’s mafia his teammate would have told him they thought you might be an investigative, but he wouldn’t have reached that conclusion on his own.

this is in direct contradiction

to this

Why? How could I have not come up with this idea on my own?

Because. Mafia wouldn’t frame someone they think the protective role would be on. They’d frame someone they think the investigative role would be on.

that doesn’t answer this

I think the assumption at the end of yesterday is that between Cloned and me, one of us was protective and one was investigative, is the thing. But both of us have now claimed investigative.

Precisely because you just said you assumed Cloned to be a protective PR, not investigative. So you wouldn’t have thought to frame me as scum because Cloned wouldn’t have been able to check. By your logic, if you were a framer, you would have framed Cloned instead of me. Having an investigative town PR get a protective town PR yeeted would be a strong play by the scum. But having an investigative town PR frame another investigative town PR is likely something they didn’t take into account as strongly. At the end of D1, the rest of you only figured that there were two potential town PRs.

So first off, let me come clean.

It was fun to watch all of you struggle for eight hours :^)

Because my cop claim was utter bullshit, as I do not have any conclusive information on Windward.

I am a bodyguard.

So let me walk you through my process:

I protected Windward N1. And yet I lived, meaning scum did not choose to attack a known tracker/watcher. Windward’s soft of “until other actions go off” was extremely easy to guess, and once they didn’t die, I suspected them of actually being scum that lied. So I accused them, claiming to be a cop.

When I did so, I was pretty much convinced that he was a watcher; I thought he would have no idea that I visited him. Reason? I kinda forgot that tracker was a thing ._. Hence the “oh fuck” reaction to his claim.

But after a few moments talking with Wind, it was pretty clear that they were indeed what they claimed; they were a tracker. For one, they could’ve simply said I was lying, that I never visited them, and just contradict me outright. Instead they considered all the cases, putting me at near bottom of their readlist even though I was being true with my actions, and slowly talking through the possible cases and reasoning themselves to the optimal move for not just themselves but everyone. This was either the most brilliant play by a scum who just got caught red-handed, or a person telling the truth.

I held up the act for a few more hours to observe everyone else’s reactions, and this stood out to me:

I never claimed, or softed, or gave any indication, that I was a protective role.

The only piece of evidence was that I was “self-resolving.”

Now what does self-resolving immediately tell you?
Does it tell you that I would prove myself by protecting someone, when there’s only a very small chance of happening?
No. “Self-resolving” is more common with Jailkeepers, Roleblockers, and the like, or even an innocent child.

And their defense to this inconsistency is this:

They even acknowledge that as a protective, I would have a 50% chance in their eyes to prove myself. With multiple individuals threatening my neck if I didn’t self-resolve, I don’t think those were very good odds. But sure, let’s humor this and say they immediately thought I was protective.

The next portion is this:

They are, quite adamantly, calling for a kill between me and Wind, even after many of us argued against it, showing that it is more beneficial to leave both of us alive in the case that both of us were town. By constantly pushing back against this, gorta has demonstrated their willingness to kill between myself and Wind - both townies.

I find both of these to be highly unlikely, coming from town. We basically have a watcher who has two lives; if scum knows this, they would, under any circumstance, want to kill off one tonight.

And gorta has shown multiple times that he knows I am a bodyguard; he slipped and said I might be a protective, and argued against my case and called me the more likely scum multiple times. I believe that either gorta or their teammate has investigated me, got bodyguard, and is now trying to kill within Wind/myself, revealing that they know the information in the process.

Not to mention more scummy things he did. Notably, Appel put out a great post detailing their incredible flipfloppiness yesterday, eager to choose between the 3 town wagons:

And lastly, the nightkill. Min’s last readlist looks like this:

Wind/I are removed from the killlist because PR, leaving the bottom 2 to be Worse and Gorta. I feel like this incriminates them both, enough to a degree to corroborate my case that Gorta is scum.


/vote an_gorta_pratai.

TL;DR: I’m a bodyguard, gorta slipped it, and has been calling for my death since the beginning of today.


Vote Count (I think)

Vote Target Voted by Votes
an_gorta_pratai Appelsiini, clonedcheese 2/4
Not voting ArcticXI, kiromishiro21, WindwardAway, YouButWorse, an_gorta_pratai 5

Ping me with any errors

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You know that my intuition is something special. In the past I have had an 80% success rate reading players like Derps and Alice without investigative powers. Is it so unlikely that I was able to figure out your role from your claim. I even voted with you to save your rear end from the execution.

Wanting to look between two slots that both claimed PR and lived isn’t a bad thing. I might have called you possible scum a few times, but I never said you needed to be todays lynch 100%



I never called for your head like you think I did.

I kinda enjoy how they don’t bother calling me scum

You liked my comments asking if I should vote Silviu and said “I will try” in response to me telling you that if you don’t self resolve I would push for you. That’s partially what I did

Read this dialogue and tell me I didn’t have your interests in mind. I was prepared to leave it be if you said so, but you said that you just revealed, so I assumed screw it and then dropped it.

Oof, so my read on your asking me “why are you scum?” was correct in guessing it was bait, then.

If we put Min’s readlist together with what I said about thinking that if Worse is scum, Worse followed the other scum in voting Silviu yesterday in my long-ass post that I’m too tired right now to quote/link, then it actually makes perfect sense to say both Gorta and Worse are scum.

If you trust your intuition, why did you vote Silviu against your townread on him and then call to vote between Cloned and me if your intuition told you Cloned was a protective and not investigative?

It’s not a bad thing, but it’s a very strategic mafia play if there are two PRs that might be in conflict with each other (both of us were very close to getting voted out yesterday until we outed as PRs) and there’s a third townie, Min, who has a very good current read on everyone and should be killed by scum before they discover more info.

There’s an invasion of caps lock here, holy shit. Cloned really got to you, huh…

What I really, really want is Appel’s read on all of this. I’m not moving to vote anyone until she gives her take. Partly because I want a read on her, and partly because I actually do want her opinion.

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I kiiiiinda have a feeling I just handed the game to scum with that

I already explained this, basically I didn’t want to die, thought that we were close in votes, and that if I unvoted I would die

I wanted to look at this conflict, but I never said I wanted to vote in this conflict right away. I even realized that there couldn’t be scum between you two eventually.

I was pissed because Cloned was making accusations that weren’t even true

Like I reached out to Cloned before I said what I thought he was. I even waited till he said that he was something else.

You never had to out anything. I bought your cop claim without question, which is why I said what I thought you were because I thought I was wrong and could say my thoughts without consequence. This does make me wonder what you think of Kiro claiming doc

It pisses me off that you outed like this when you didn’t have to.

This was actually what prompted me to claim

  1. why would you protect Arctic
  2. What game has 1 invest and 2 healers

This lead me to believe that there was a motive behind Kiro claiming.
Maybe they’re scared.
Scared people tend to make stupid decisions.
Thus I was thinking that Kiro was the rolecop, who now has an alibi for going around at night.

I did want to out this before the end of the day, though.

No use going into the night with people thinking im a cop