[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

You have to understand that if Appel was town/had accurate reads she would be dead today. She has the most experience here. Me and Cloned have some experience, but a few games ago we spent the entire game almost death tunneling a towny.


*would have been dead today

In the past I have been partially at fault for having ok reads and not pushing them, that’s why I want Appel out so much.

I do think Appel is scum here

i have to say i kinda agree with this
min and appel were fairly similar in terms of where people read them d1
so i was surprised they killed a newbie over appel

however we did say that this may be because min’s reads were on-point with who is actually mafia

Appel actually did such mindgames in previous games before (killing someone with bad reads so people get mislynched) if I recall correctly

Im more than willing to vote Appel, if they flip town I think we gain as much info as we would if they were to flip Maf

hmm you seem to have hopped on this train very quickly

I remember Appel killing in certain ways to make people think the wolves were a specific player

I am convinced easily ok, plus I can follow the logic and it makes sense to me. Appel was never really cleared in my mind and more and more over this day I have become suspicous of them. The plan of voting them makes sense to me

the only reason i am not concerned by you following gorta here is the fact that i almost certainly know you and gorta aren’t both mafia from your push on him d1

What is your opinion on me vs Appel?

Like it kind of concerns me that you are sidelining here

or that’s how it looks

and since you are willing to vote appel, that leaves the possible scum options for me as

appel and kiro (or cloned?)
gorta and kiro (or cloned?)
you and kiro (or cloned?)

i just realised kiro appeared in all 3 of these lmao

but equally kiro could be the real PR and cloned could be the mafia PR

so i’m pretty sure out of gorta and appel there is a scum, and out of kiro and cloned there is a scum

who are you asking?


so do u mean kiro/cloned or do you think that Kiro or Cloned would be more likely to be paired up with somebody

I think he thinks it’s me or cloned.

definitely not kiro and cloned

what i meant is that kiro and cloned are interchangeable here

basically out of appel and gorta there is a scum
and out of kiro and cloned there is a scum

the only reason i don’t think you are scum atm is because the pairings don’t make much sense with you