[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

oh boy

Got damn. I did not expect. Do you want me to say where I was or not yet?

Wallpost incoming

First off: I do not want to see a single townie voting anyone right now. We have no room for errors if we still want to win this, and a single misplaced town vote is an instant scum win. Majority is 3 for today’s vote count. If you so much as dare to vote before the end of the day, I’m calling you out as a wolf immediately. And I know Gorta is the top lynch candidate today, so don’t vote him just yet. I want to hear his defense in case Appel was wrong about him.

So, we got information, which is what we wanted. We’re nearly at parity with the mafia, which is not what we want. It’s a 3v2 now, so I’m going to remind everyone again to refrain from voting until close to EoD. If just one townie misplaces a vote, the wolves will hammer and reach parity with the town (1 town vote + 2 wolf votes = majority = town instaloses). Once it’s 2v2 the game ends. I don’t care how strong your thoughts and opinions are - we don’t need to lose from a mislynch. Town still has a chance of winning as long as we vote out a wolf today.

And… welp, now I also fall under the category of “bad town” because I yeeted Silviu and Appel. Also, I hope the last two minutes of D2 weren’t important because I didn’t realize I was the fourth voter on Appel lol. I didn’t see Cloned’s vote until Dat locked the thread, oops.

That being said, it wouldn’t have changed my vote on Appel. I might have abstained and given us 2 more minutes, but I wouldn’t have chosen to vote someone else. Apparently I’m just really bad at reading people in FM. I also know now not to just lynch people for being a more or less nullread for everyone, but it was really Appel’s frustration in countering Gorta that convinced me she was a better lynch candidate than Gorta was.

I realized something that I should have known before, but didn’t consider until I was scrolling through some other games. The number of wolf PRs is likely one less than town PRs, so we’re almost certainly looking at 2 town PRs and 1 wolf PR among Cloned, Kiro and me, unless someone lied entirely and isn’t a PR at all. And so far, I know that I’m a PR and that Cloned is also a PR. If we had 3 town PRs, that would mean both the mafia are PRs, and that doesn’t sound very balanced. Also, mafia PR isn’t a roleblocker or either Cloned or I would have been blocked N1. The mafia PR is most likely a role cop.

Kiro, please tell us where you were now before I give my tracking information. If you lie, I’ll catch you.

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I was with you. I told you that you would live one more day. And I didn’t trust cloned at all

It seems that you already had something very well elaborated

indeed I did, and that’s less than half of it.

Other half i wanna hear it

kiro we told you where to go

so you are either scum or threw the game

Yep, it’s a lengthy readlist in detail. Gonna post it as soon as I finish writing the last bit.

I am still reading because I am slow to understand well

I told them where I would go … I thought cloned would kill wind. What chance is there that we are two town protectors?

I don’t think if Kiro was scum he would purposely out himself like that. On the other hand, that might be some reverse pyschology, like he wants us to think that so we dont vote him

doesn’t matter

we told you the plan and if you were somewhat competent you would have followed through with it

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he can’t lie because windward tracked him presumably

Here’s the thing, Kiro - you’re not proved as a doctor, and you really look like a mafia rolecop now. Because you seem to know what I did last night.

Does this look like it will be a last minute vote again? Fuck

Yes. We aren’t hammering because one townie voting another townie means the mafia have already won. Don’t vote if you’re town.

But I understand that no one should rush to vote today. This could be the end of the game

Do you think it would be so foolish to vote right now?
I may be silly but not so much