[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

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Gonna be honest got distracted after this Now i am reading actually and will Reply to anything that stands out the free project winter was a distraction that was well worth it.

Cool strategy don’t think am going to be using a new method gonna stick with my usual method.

Curious if anyone other then you plans to use this.

How is Seth acting different from the other game?

Wait its one of those randomly i thought it was always the redacted one or a part of it that is.

Getting a Slight town lean on ModeShifter so far based off their posts up to here.

Alot of Mech talk going on around here about the neutrals don’t know how far that helps us honestly don’t think i like it hope it settles down further just don’t feel it is a main problem of discussion.

Not just PKR just another person i see talking about it.

Wazza’s entrance feels weird to me honestly don’t know if i dislike it or hate it for that.
Definitely wanna look at it in the morning speaking of which it’s already tomorrow so am gonna chill and be here in the morning know i havn’t done a lot but didn’t expect this to start tonight honestly.

I think scum would want to make people think they are in the same team as town.

Don’t rolefish plz.

What are the people who are not on this list? :thinking:

Even if it was guaranteed, what made you think they should be town’s priority? The sole existance of that role harms mafia cause they know the members.

That’s a weird way to claim mason.

And i wonder if it’s intentional cause Seth could have simply played it of as hitting reply too early or something. Assuming he wanted to keep the chat secret.


She’s not using it as an excuse for anything though.

Well i guess you can say she’s using it as justiication for reading people differently but i think that’s fair. It’s not the first time someone tries to revamp their playstyle for a game.

I’m sorry but it’s town’s fault for not lynching you there. You straight up said you didn’t want to help.

Town ritualed him because Town trusted him.


I didn’t get lynched. I got universally townread and got the lynch that you want to use on town.