[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

(so can we uh… post?)


Nah. You can post as long it is to talk about lore. Specially the Nothing lore.
Bookshop time!

Is nothing going to kill us all? That’s a question about nothing lore.

Given the Nothing’s history of twisting and manipulating affairs not only throughout the Empire’s history but even before, it should be clear that it is an implacable and extremely dangerous foe. It is patient, relentless, and utterly remorseless, willing to employ methods ranging from the most cunning subterfuge to a brutal open attack to achieve its goals. Its minions are both limitless in number and wholly expendable, allowing it to make any sort of maneuver or attack with little concern for casualties or exposure. Even worse, because it is not a discrete being but rather a primal force of the universe, it is impossible for it to ever be truly defeated. The Shadow can be thwarted, forestalled, and set back, but it cannot be truly destroyed. Even Hitomi’s naming only succeeded in reducing it to a tiny remnant, rather than completely annihilating it. This means those who earn the Nothing’s enmity will never be free of its menace. It will pose an endless and pervasive threat as long as they live. Even death may not offer respite, since the Nothing has demonstrated before that the walls between the Spirit Realms offer no barrier to it. When its enemies finally reach the next life they may find the Nothing already there, waiting for them.
The Nothing was named Akodo.

Yes, it will!



I didn’t even get a chance to use my cool ass role!

you guys she said to stop talking


Excuse me, But I’m here to state the obvious, such that, I WAS RIGHT, YOU WERE WRONG, I KNEW THIS WAS SUSPICIOUS AS ALL HELL.


A chilling example of the Shadow’s ability to manipulate even the most honorable of men may be found in the story of the notorious Dragon magistrate Kitsuki Kaagi. Kaagi, born a Matsu, lost his father at an early age to what was believed to be poisoning by mysterious assassins… by ninja. He became obsessed with delving into the ninja legend and as an adult joined the Kitsuki family, believing he would uncover an insidious but mundane organization responsible for murder and mayhem throughout Rokugan. However, his obsessive investigations began to expose a deeper, darker, and far more horrible truth. The Nothing, which had already taken Kaagi’s brother and was well aware of his quest, chose to allow the Kitsuki to find tantalizing bits of evidence pointing toward some manner of shadowy cabal. The clues drove Kaagi along the trail with ever more zeal, allowing him to learn more and more about the darkness as he delved into a whole series of kidnappings, impersonations, and murders across the Empire.
Kaagi was as obsessive about chronicling his investigations as he was in conducting them,
and recorded his journeys and findings in a personal journal without realizing he was documenting his own slow fall to the Shadow. Too late, he realized the truth.
By then, the Nothing had so subverted him that it could intrude into his very dreams, consuming his identity with impunity.

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I need to post all of those because the game is lore-heavy.
Now, time to go back to being serious.


Empowered by the identities of Hippolytus, Marshal, Redreover1760, Arete, DatBird, Gypyx, SirDerpsALot, Italy, Ami and Drybones, the Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) has consumed the Empire.

The Lying Darkness

In Rokugan, name and history is everything. A samurai is defined by their family and clan. Their deeds only matter in the context of how they effect those ideals. The Lying Darkness strips all that away, leaving the samurai with nothing.
Neutral, Clanless, Familyless, Pathless
“Seven Thunders entered the Shadowlands. One returned.”

Named, not Tamed (Passive) - At the start of the game, it will be publicly informed that “Akodo is watching your every step, from all clans alike”.

Faceless (Passive) - To all checks made unto you from members of the Empire, you will appear as Shiba Kieru (Empire, Phoenix, Shiba, Bushi). To all checks made unto you from members of the Shadowlands, you will appear as Daigotsu Toshiro (Shadowlands, Spider, Daigotsu, Bushi).

Shadow Corruption (Passive) - You know the effects of the Shadow Corruption, who is Shadow Corrupted and the degree of Shadow Corruption they possess at all times. The Shadow Corruption has three degrees. If someone already has the Shadow Corruption, they will gain a new degree every time an even day starts.
In the first degree, nothing happens. In the second degree, all abilities and passives they have will be disabled. In the third degree, they will die, their flip will be cleaned, and they will be prevented from joining the Dead Chat. You will know what was their Faction, Clan, Family and Path.
Aditionally, you are immune to the Shadow Corruption. Finally, if someone claims at least one of the following: Ability, Family, Clan, Flavor, Path; they will be Corrupted automatically.
The only people informed of being Corrupted are the ones who start the game Corrupted.

Dangerous Deal (Day) - Make an offer to a player. “Darkness wants to embrace you. If you accept, you will be [effect]. Be careful, though, that dealing with the Nothing is dangerous business. You have 24 hours to decide if you accept it or not. Do you accept?”
The following effects are disponible. Choose one to offer:

  • Immune to attacks tonight
  • Cleaned from all Bleeding
  • Given an alignment peek
  • Given a gun
  • Aware from all feedback on you for the remainder of the day.
  • Shown as an Empire member to all checks tonight.

You will know whether they accepted, refused or did not answer to the request. If they accept, they will gain the benefit and one degree of the Shadow Corruption. If they refuse, they will not gain the benefit and the Shadow Corruption. If they don’t answer, they will not gain the benefit and will gain one degree of the Shadow Corruption.
If someone already has a degree of Corruption, you may give them more than one benefit in any subsequent Dangerous Deals. You can’t target anyone who is immune to the Corruption with this ability.

Direct Elimination (Night) - Select a player to kill. You can choose between one of the following effects: You can’t be seen by any trackers or watchers tonight, you will be bulletproof tonight, you can’t be roleblocked or redirectioned tonight, the target of the kill can’t be healed or protected tonight.
If they have claimed their family or flavor, you can choose two effects instead of one.

Win Conditions: Only one of those need to be completed.
- All players are dead.
- All players but you are dead.
- All alive players possess the Shadow Corruption.
- All alive players but you possess the Shadow Corruption.
- Half of the game (rounded up) has claimed at least one of the following: Ability, Family, Clan, Flavor, Path.
When you win, everyone else loses, regardless if they have already completed their win condition. The game won’t end if you are still alive. You can win even if you are dead.

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Did we lose already

Ţ̵̱͇͍̪̖̞͖̊͗͐h̶̢̢̛͇̰̬̱̜̰̖̙͎͆̌͂̓̊͑̕͜͝ͅề̷̹̗͕̲͚̤̳̑ ̴̙̘͓̳̲͔̗̝̰̻̻̋̀́̈́͒̈́̎͆Ḑ̷̢͓͕̖͎̊͐̿̅̊̿͐̚͜a̶̡̠͔̾̋̒̊̈́̍͒̏̈́̒ȑ̶̡̡̞͚̙̭͉͕͉͍͚̪̰̀͊̓͒̓̈́̋̕̕͝k̶̢̟̰͖̖̺̪̩̗͙̙͇̓̓͋̓́͆͑́̾͐͘͜͠ņ̴̘̬͙̫͕͕͍͍̝̘̐̅̀͆̏̔̊̉͆̉̚e̵̲̱̬̥̲̣͔͕̫͔͖̥͖̲͐ͅs̷̲̩͔̰͍̖̟̙͙͍̺̝̪̄͊̎̃͋s̸̢̜̟͖͇̼͚̫̤͎̮͌̽̿̓̂̂́̚͠ ̴̧͙̙̩͗̈ͅĊ̴̛̯̘̙̄̈́͛́͑́͝o̸̡̡̡͔̺̬̮͚̘̒̑̿̏͛̒͑̃̿̚ṉ̸͖̩͊̿͊̓͒͜ͅs̶̤̃ư̷̥̻͍͋͒̀̕͠͝m̴̢͚͖̖̰̻͈͕͎̻̘̒́̅͜e̸̢̞̫̤̝̝͑̋̃̉̈́͗̇̀š̶̢̡̧̲͉͇̙͈̣͈̫̳̬̱̈͒͐̋͜ ̶̛͍̞̙̭̩͂̃̉̑̊̾̌Ÿ̵̧̖́͋̅͊̐͋̾̍̀̕ơ̷̘̬̺̗̬̰͉̞̟̞͔͓̘͚̯͐͌̈́͊̒̇͒̒̄̽̇̕u̴̧̒̈́̍̒

What happened?


Yes you fucking lost.