[SFM] The Bloodmoon Conclave - Rolemadness 12'er (6/12)! - Conclave win!

The Bloodmoon Conclave :moon:

Co-hosted by @Kirefitten

The village of GoogleDocs lived in peace, even with the peculiarity of each one of its inhabitants. But recently a group of werewolf druids from the surrounding woods turned their backs on the village, cornering it to destruction. They call themselves the Bloodmoon Conclave, and won’t stop for anything.

And, as yours truly once promised…
The flavor is entirely my 2013-2017 edgy OCs. Mostly on the 2015 side, though.
And this is rolemadness. i c i :b: a l u s, get out


This game has been properly revised for balance.
This game is very slightly bastard. There are hidden passives, but they don’t affect gameplay and are revealed on death. There aren’t secret win conditions, conversions or anything of the genre.
Cycles are 48/24, or shorter if someone is lynched
We are going to do majority + plurality.
There are no logs, but there can be death notes.
Private chats of a kind will be done in Discord servers.
Feedback is limited, only investigative roles will be aware of occupations or redirections.
The setup is closed.
There are no day 1 lynches, day 1 will last 24 hours, day abilities can’t be used.
There are host events!
There are ITAs. They can be used on day 1. Type /shoot [name]. There may or may not be roles that affect ITA’s
Confirm in classcards. You have the entire day 1 to do so.

The Bloodmoon Conclave

The Conclave are powerful together. But when they endure their transformations, they grow greater.
Each Conclave member each day (including day 1) can choose to join or not to join the Reunion.
If not given an action, they will join the Reunion by default. This option is computed at the end of the day.
Whilst they are in the Reunion, they have a less powerful ability but are able to talk with their peers until the end of the next day.
Outside the Reunion, they have a more powerful ability, but are restricted from such communication.
At the start of each night, it will be publicly informed how many wolves chose to join the Reunion.

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want



Dawa Ksiezyc

Village Weak Bodyguard
Weak (Passive) - You will die upon visiting members of the Conclave.
Bodyguard (Night) - Protect a player, dying in their place to kill their attacker if they are attacked.
Goal: Defeat the Conclave and all neutrals who seek to do you harm


Altra Skyfear

Conclave Framer/Lie Detector
Framer (Night) - Make a player seem suspicious to cops. Only usable if inside the Reunion.
Lie Detector (Night) - Send a post to the GM. They will answer if it is a truth, lie or uncertain. Only usable outside the Reunion.
Goal: Defeat the Village and all neutrals who seek to do you harm



Neutral Survivor
You have no abilities.
Goal: Survive.


  1. BLizer
  2. Htm - Killed N2. Was Village.
  3. h_hjasik
  4. bluestorm
  5. datbird
  6. Solic
  7. wazzaazza - Killed N1. Was Village.
  8. @fireslol Lynched D3. Was Village.
  9. @LadyThamasa
  10. @magnus
  11. @Marcus_Doodalee Lynched D2. Was Village.
  12. @james



  1. reaper
  2. @Isaac_Gonzalez


Sunflower rebellion wins
Day 1 (pre-game) starts
Day 2 starts

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this is cool


slight bastard role madness sign me up.

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/in for the win

The game is bastard?

Even more excited

@Kirefitten why

This game is very slightly bastard. There are hidden passives, but they don’t affect gameplay and are revealed on death. There aren’t secret win conditions, conversions or anything of the genre.

I swear I didn’t remember this

I sent you the topic draft though
Disable D1 day abilities?

dont give me voteless survivor

I promise nothing

: (

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Coincidentally I’m planning on doing a similar personal FM once I get the flavour for S&D finished up and have the game run through.

Rolecards are just an example btw, they could be in the game however

By personal, I mean just things that I like or OCs of mine.

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6 more people left

in in in

let this game start in seconds.

I heard this game becomes a turbo if people join within the hour of it going up

True facts

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I’m ToTaLlY GoInG tO cHaNgE mY pLaYsTyLe


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