[SFM] The Bloodmoon Conclave - Rolemadness 12'er (6/12)! - Conclave win!

ITA Fireslol

Why would you check Solic if he had 2 greenchecks

H_Hjasik has won the 4-in-a-row championship!

Both shots missed.

Shooter Shot Result
Magnus Fireslol Miss
LadyThamasa Fireslol Miss
BlueStorm Fireslol Miss
Datbird Fireslol Miss

The Day 3 event has started.

It has infinite slots. The event will be sent to you once you join.



Activity prodding basically everyone.
@Blizer @Emilia @BlueStorm @DatBird @Solic @Fireslol @LadyThamasa @magnus @james

/vote Fireslol


We could be at MyLo by the way.

uhhhh I have some bad info

Just saying everyday Im learning my class is more bastard and bastard

Accused Voters Count
Fireslol Blizer, Datbird, LadyThamasa 3/5
No Lynch - 0/5
No vote H_Hjasik, BlueStorm, Solic, Fireslol, LadyThamasa, Magnus, James -

/vote Fireslol

Should have been lynched yesterday.

We have to be very careful here.

Usually 12p games with multiple power roles means a 3-person scumteam.

If we mislynch here then with the factional kill and the poison, wolves gain parity.

Everyone should take pot shots at Fires before we decide to lynch them.

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/ITA fireslol

I need a replacement for LadyThamasaā€™s slot.

/ITA LadyThamasa


Maybe you wonā€™t have to!



Why did you check me? Walk us through the thought process.

Youā€™re looking to be main wagon, so start doing things to change that if youā€™re not. :eyes: by like casting a vote.

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I really want to vote Thamasa here, but voting a vacant slot is just ugh.

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