[SFM] The Bloodmoon Conclave - Rolemadness 12'er (6/12)! - Conclave win!


I predict with my psychic powers that you will ITA Hjjasik.

Ita Hja? Gj.

Thanks for the ping

I’m slightly hammered rn

hi slightly hammered

im marcus

No u

@Memesky shut

/ITA Marcy

No u

who tf is that

whoever you choose it to be (Not me)

@discobot roll 1d12

:game_die: 1

I said not me

god damnit fk

@discobot roll 1d12


:game_die: 8


Why is Discobot different with a colored name and title


That’s fireslol I belieb

same color as xblade

Blizer shot at firesloll and missed!

It is

Even in my drunken state

I believe in my luck.