[SFM] The Bloodmoon Conclave - Rolemadness 12'er (6/12)! - Conclave win!

Magnus claimed to check me James and Solic

And got town every time? Or did he ever get scum?

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I think town everytime @Magnus confirm this plz

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I need to ask a question in my class card

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Brb roomies need me

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Back? Why is this game so dead?

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All town, or I wouldā€™ve outed them. What was the question?

Something is wrong. I know I am town and thatā€™s literally too many town checks


Hey Magnus donā€™t take this the wrong way but what is your sanity? Or modifiers?

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my exact role is Villager Miller/Alignment Cop

Whatā€™s the vote count at right now?

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2 voted hja (me and dat) thats it. hammer is 4 votes.

Sheā€™s looking really scummy since scum havenā€™t quick hammered

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Really should unvote since ya know thatā€™s a possibility.


scum wont vote themselves.

Right. However youā€™re scum or a godfather exists so I am gonna chill til everyone has their say

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Reasoning behind this hideously incorrect deduction?

I am town. 7-4 = 3

3 wolves exist in reunion
I am not a wolf.

Arithmetic for the win!


I am not Wolfgang.

K then you wonā€™t mind me looking over everything and exploring it.

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