[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

I agree its vaild math but Math can’t always solve the game obvioulsy but can be used to help.

Well, 7% chance means that 1-2 people on average will rand 3 scum.

For that math do you count survivor as Scum or Town in the math?

Like I get that math is helpful, but going on discarded roles alone isn’t the way. We solve this socially or else we risk misclearing a crap ton of people.

Never clear off maths but can be used as an assistiant

I was cleared in that one SFoL because people were mech clearing me based on what I claimed in jail on the spot when I was probably more scummy than I would like to admit

i think i pointed this out earlier, to look less scummy wouldn’t it make more sense to use the stronger town tole for alignment (even though it mechanically makes no difference)

idk, it just makes more sense to me to have used town tracker for alignment and discard town miller

Thats why i asked (I am not reveling the role i used yet for mine) but its known i discarded a neutral anyway so not much choice i got.

Town I believe?

I asked how many roles would be considered town for requirements, didn’t ask which ones exactly they are tho, so not really sure about it.

Well I guess I can see the merit in this argument.
Seeing as we only have over an hour left, I’d rather we try to patch things up so that we don’t have another c*** fest which D1 was.


Just curious so i get more knowledge on how you did it.
(I am regreting slightly not just taking survivor and chilling)

Combinations without repeats of 3 out 146.

Then used conditional probability to count of being certain alignment depending on discards which was weighted by the chance of certain condition appearing to begin with.

Remember repeats are possible

Only due to certain role appearing few times, not numberwise.

No earlyier we both claimed a role we had last time listed once and we both had it.
IE repeats are possible no?

Repeats for given person, not whole rand.

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Either way am gonna sleep now its 5am hehe

Have a good night.
Anyway I can’t be paid enough money to try this setup again.

Probably gonna sleep for now as well cuz I stayed up all night

Just everyone be careful I’d rather cult not instawin tommorow cuz everyone visits one goo guy

Honestly that would be the best outcome after this horrendous D1.