[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Said he would change my mind today but never showed up and replaced out instead

Min is sure an interesting fellow that has more knowledge than I’ve seen from most people that have only one completed game under their belt

I’d beg a differ.
If he didn’t like me he wouldn’t have bothered to tell me to give him a chance.


I have spectated and read games on here


One thing I immediately noticed is that scum Min seems to post less fluff/posts less in general. Do you not agree that this does not describe Min this game?

@Wisp how would I benefit as scum for posting the fact I guessed that soul was alien gf?

At the sod today I literally posted that I was surprised soul was actually alien gf

Why would I put that attention on me

Why did Osie leave? :frowning:

this thread is like a chicken running around w/out a head jfc

I’m not gonna jump on the app/tl thunderdome here as the possibility of a psychotrooper is clearly evident so im not gonna vote for either of them today.

@TrustworthyLiberal , check someone else, if you get a red check then a psychotrooper is likely in play

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Scum Min also seems way more aggressive, I really thank you for this Wiisp because this kinda feels like it’s made Min look lock town in my eyes :omegalul:

idk, I don’t look at meta as anything polarized till they have a larger set of games under their belt

I don’t really care, it wouldn’t benefit you at all, but that has not stopped people from open wolfing before

you being surprised can easily be faked, it means absolutely nothing to me

Wiisp’s case on Min is also stupid

Min’s frustration at this idiotic push is likely coming from a “wtf why are you this stupid” POV and not of a “caught for the wrong reasons” wolf

Then your scum. Simple. [quote=“eevee, post:3059, topic:84752, full:true”]
If you think you have upper hand in FORCING who to shoot, then you are wrong.

Not your choice.
Not your action.

You can convince me. But that’s as far as it goes.

Then you can die today or tomorrow.
Via Lynch.

this argument has given me a stroke

Lol quote messed up

and how the tables have turned lol

“Sorry sweetie ur red check is false, he didn’t openly reveal he was maf”

“Why would he do that”

“Why not”

we are not executing Eevee

that is actually stupid

If someone actually believes that Eevee is town here. I feel sorry for them.

Then they will keep factional killing and keep claiming it’s their shot.


I’m calmer now tbh

Eevee prob not ww reading back on their messages