[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

I have nothing to say so I’ll watch and take notes




Now please go away.

I am sick of discussing a person that not only do I have 0 involvement with I am also not aligned with them.


That’s a harsh reaction for when I said you “might” be mafia.

If you bring up bussing or me being aligned with mafia one more time before osie is dead, i am just done with this game until day 4.

I think it’s probably mafia, but I also don’t really care since as town I need to eliminate both factions.

well now I am mad, I want this conversation dropped.

So stupid discussing the same shit with a person over and over with no change in direction.

Why are you so hesitant to discuss this? Town wins by sharing theories no? Why are you so aggressive in trying to discredit my theory? I said you might be mafia not that you are. I just wanted to gauge how youd react to my theory.

Previous post.

Post #5281 is Chad saying that a cop is dangerous to the game. Why be afraid of a cop? Afraid that you’ll get checked? Mindset slip. Chad clearly is not paying much attention to the thread. The only reason to not take notes yourself is if you have someone else (i.e. a teammate) doing so for you. And then “Oh, let’s eliminate the seer.” Not more than a single post, barely a fraction of a thought, on the fact that two of them exist. Chad just moves on.

Then Chad suggests that their seer claim is irrefutable. They then argue that they derptelled. Most of the time, if someone is trying for a derptell, they’re scum. And here we go with another instance of not reading the thread: “Why didn’t you claim D2?” I claimed in my 6th post in the thread. It was the second piece of content that I put into the thread. The fact that Chad is so disconnected from the thread that they don’t even know this is mind-boggling for either alignment, but ESPECIALLY if Chad is town. Chad then (still not having really provided reads on anyone other than TL, over 5500 posts into the game) posts a defense to my read on them with the amazing deflection “I can’t be read.” They then contradict this in their very NEXT post by asking someone else (who is less familiar with them) “How am I mafia?”

@Eevee - This is of actual note in terms of players actively discarding arguments to fit their PoV.

Chad then approaches me as if I’m town that they are trying to convince of TL’s alignment in post #5561. Huh. That’s an odd change of tone. What’s going on there?

“I’m not a stranger to the great idea setup.”

WHAT?!?!? Chad had a whole spiel earlier about how this setup was unusual and foreign to them.

“TL is welcome to check me” - Almost as if they knows that it doesn’t matter if a seer checks them since they’re mafia instead.

Also, Chad being a stranger to psychotrooper is insane. Chad is generally extremely knowledgeable about bastard roles.

Complaining about factional kill roleblocks not notifying mafia. It’s almost like they’re on the mafia team and they’re venting. Chad as a person usually runs their mouth more than they should regardless of the situation. So this could easily be a real slip.

The entirety of Chad’s D3 ISO can essentially be summed up as follows:

“I’m a town seer! No really, I’m a town seer! I swear it! I’m too stupid to not be town! (His words, not mine)

They then defend himself (Why do they feel they need to defend themself) with “Give me the name of the player you think is the 2nd psychotrooper”. This is a common scum strategy to defend oneself that rarely comes from town.

And that’s pretty much it. They’ve had pretty much just one single message all of Day 3, didn’t really participate in Day 1, barely provided any content in Day 2, and outside of their checks, has never developed a read on ANYONE other than TL. ANYONE. That’s INSANE. There’s over 6000 posts this game and they’ve ONLY had one ACTUAL read.

@GGhana - Here you go.

Honestly, I am going to work. Like I said if I or TL die before our check flips I am 100% done with this place. I don’t give a shit about role cards or role combinations at all, all I care about is my check dieing.

i swear this game is impossible to solve because of all the ate and anger


my weakness

I mean I just hate being pushed as town while also having a check on a person, its like fuck off. Suspect me after osie somehow flips not werewolf, which he should be flipping werewolf.


I got a blue check on you.
Are you Second Secret SK that pocketed me?


Don’t stab me please

im voyeur i check whysper ur confirmed fake lock scum soz

Looks like it’s a 2V1 TT Guys.

Is this real or memes so I can know if I can sleep or not

Holy overreaction, Batman! And not even towards being pushed, just being asked about AT.

And Chad wasn’t even accused of bussing. This was the initial post: