[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

what explaining? Another psychotrooper exists?

Kinda bs but oh well.

Tsumugi - 1/7 - GGhana

who is it then?

I got you as werewolf so means at most your either mafia or town.

Oh true

Hey psychotrooper would you like to claim for us.

Trochilidae is asking very nicely.

at this point i think tsumugi is second psychotrooper

the whole checking wiisp and getting town result just seems like something with TMI

probably gorta/ami

like ‘oh hey look at me, i know there’s a psychotrooper so let me just do nothing productive with my night action and look like an investigative in the process’

anyways one of (Ami, Tsumugi, Arctic, Gorta) is yeeted today

Again I am still the same town seer I started as on d1

I can’t play around another psychotrooper, the odds of two existing in one game are alredy crazy low.

did you get fruit this time


not sure why you gave it to me since it affects nothing about my read on you but it confirms you and whypser arent on the same scum team/you arent psychotrooper

how many times does somebody need to mention gambler’s fallacy

i mean we did the math, there was around a 5.5% chance of 2 existing so :man_shrugging:

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and you can play around another psychotrooper if you know it exists
which of course at this point it probably does

Anyways, I think as compensation for @osieorb18 dying im gonna compensate for this by following a lot of her reads. Yesterday has humbled me.

although i am really annoyed at this point that we dont have any vigilantes or anything, but that’s fine since I think I’ve formed a pretty good PoE

Did you did anyone last night?

Again, if I knew one existed I would have just cleared a buddy. Why push so hard on to get sdome random town lynched.

Because she was the one pushing for you to get yeeted?

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