[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

its possible I literally only have this hour to post which would be high tier types of memes

my cat just bit me

I would have pushed them or Ami toady harder but gortu confirmed evil

Please dont put assumptions next to my name, I am 100% a town seer.

im basically at, like


??? whodafuq knows:


Wolves in here prolly:

I mean its osie being a dick, either I am scum or he insults my play to make himself feel better its no different than any other game ive played with him.

i mean its literally a read

“don’t put assumptions next to my name”

do you want to not be read or smn

my goal is to 2000 post before day end

eh the only reason I’m doubting it is the fact that Tsu outed the redcheck prior to TL doing so. although considering we’ll be looking for a psychotrooper that kinda(?) negates it. I’m just wondering if osie was too emotional. I should probably sheep it considering Ami was tracked tbh

wait who’s Tortillini?

i mean I think ami should die

her defense of osie could very moderately be becuase she knew psychotrooper existed (possibly by being one :flushed:)

and being tracked to a kill when she literally never mentioned the guy is memes

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Tsumugi i just couldnt be bothered to find their name to spell it

dont particularly know why wolf!ami kills light but I assume its for gamer reasons


does anyone have questions or insults for me

if not i HAMMER!!!

hammer or looser

inb4 game ends

/vote gorta @Mercenary

I hope I die or game ends so I can keep my 100% voting accuracy :joy_cat:


What a change of attitude from your slot :^)

Fun fact, that’s unlimited bulletproof.

Yes, that’s a thing.

well ok then

(also day is technically over and all since i hammered)