[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Guys I have high post cont never mind the content that means im villager

Anyway night :rage:


Nite looooser

I’m just wait for another argument.

Otherwise I sleep until next 2 days.

@ATNoName I think you’re intentionally trying to go under the radar because a lot of people here have meta on you that you don’t want used

(Insert ad hominem insult here)

I would post, but there’s nothing interesting going on.

I found GGhana interactions boring.

I also found Min’s posts more annoying than usual.

Then create content
Makes some reads from thread

Is boring alignment indicative? Is anything Ghana has done alignment indicative? Look at peoples read lists. Do you agree with them?

what do you think of min btw, I have no idea on how to read them

I don’t have any meta, but there is a ridiculous amount of fluff in their posts.

but so does everyone in this dumpsterfire of a game

boring is more or less more irritating and makes my eyes burn.

How should I know? Half of his ISO is just jokes and the other half is hard to read.

Quote me a few readlists.

My town list is (Surge, Whysper, Wiisp, Light and CRich) do you agree with this?

I can only understand Light. Why everyone else?


Some of you guys seriously have a problem with being rude for literally no reason

Like you can say “oh min yeah you post a little too much fluff” and then you can say “haha min your typing makes my eyes burn it’s so irritating” like Jesus Christ I’m a person behind the screen I’m not just an empty void you can talk shit to whenever you want believe it or not I post my thoughts when I have them and want to and I’m literally not nearly the only person who mass fluffposts yet I’m the one who’s being targeted over everyone else. I can’t just make myself feel unnatural and force myself to be formal in my typing and how I work because I’m simply not


None of them are ordered within tiers, I made a few alterations afterward (CRich and Seth in TLs)

Whysper: They aren’t really a fluffposter, they’re acting productive and post their reads. Plus theyre giving me similar vibes to the last game I played with them
Wiisp: I doubt their sort of claim comes from scum. Plus they’ve been acting like a townie by trying to push reads.
CRich: Very similar reasoning as Whysper, plus they are really trying to get the thread to focus
Light: You agree with this so I wont explain
Surge: lolwillager

i honestly thought he was talking about me lol


Whysper is mainly gut, but they have a little bit of content when they’re in the thread that I like.

Eli and Apprentice posted a little bit, said essentially nothing, and then dipped.

Gorta has a scummy tone that reminds me of RotK, and I looked over their Deus Ex town game and did not see many similarities.