[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

stop grandstanding

Sad part is you guys can’t kill me tonight.
You gotta find Doctor first.

How about you stop trying to bait me and try to solve?

My notes say Min/GGhana/Ame/Surge

don’t be that guy that bullies others with useless bravado

I’ve been solving a fuck ton more then you have buckaroo.

Ok that’s good.
What are your reasons for your town reads?

ok boomer

“He called me out on my bad play HES lock scum :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:

Not useless but I’ll Tone down the rudeness

Alright let me explain why I want you to explain your reads. I’d you say them out loud then it allows your brain to process information, plus other people can contribute. Plus it helps your brain notice logical flaws by actually seeing it in person

Now stop being a bubblehead and explain, why is this so hard? Even if it’s just gut that’s fine but the grandstanding is irritating as fuck.

Someone hasn’t been paying attention to thread control. Now rather if it may be him drooling over GGhana and 1V1 Fights, beats me.

I’ve explained.
What you confused about?

please for the love of all that is holy, explain your reads. Are they just gut or are they something else?

The dropped one?

I won’t?

I’m confused why you think Tsumugi and Richard are both scum together.

BRB, in like about 30 Mins.


If you miss it, check my ISO.
Cya later.

I’m really starting to regret /ining into this game