[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

It is same argument.

Saying that you can survive being peeked as scum, when you could just… not peek as scum to begin with is not helping.

You willingly put negative utility to your claimed faction, when you could take cop instead


I’ve definitely said fuck off to you I dont remember calling you those other things looking through my isos

I definitely didn’t mean it if I did I mainly blocked u so I didn’t get that petty

IDK why do you keep threatening to shoot someone and ignoring their questions?
I guess we all sometimes like to do things that aren’t best for town

also I answered many times why I chose miller

TBF i dought anyone picks cop in this setup cause of how restricted they to Wolf or Mafia and i think there was an alien one

Like stuff like Jailkeeper or Mason are both10x better

this is my first game back from hiatus lol, just let me do my thing
y’all making this so much harder for no reason
like I am a pretty reasonable guy here, you just need to talk to me
I treat my scum leans like human beings, which seems to be a forgotten art nowadays

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Eevee I’ve looked through them twice if you wanna quote them that’s fine

I’ll actually stop playing for a couple months because I’d feel bad about talking to you like that

It’s not personal.

But like… he wants me to create a case on him.

What’s the reason for creating cases?
To convince others to your opinion.

What are we on rn? Lynchless day with possibility of them dying regardless of case.
It’s literally useless to create a case on them in thread.
Convincing others won’t help me in removing them.

daily reminder that yes I know your playstyle, but you still need to read some parts of the game, and post something, as a veteran player you don’t get to call day 1 useless, regardless of the lack of yeet

I mean, miller is still not helping at all, while cop for sks, even if very unlikely to be helpful, at least wouldn’t be hindrance?

Lynchless days do not mean lack of pushing and giving reads
You aren’t gunna convince anyone of anything when you post literally nothing

ya that’s why you claim miller in your first post you potato
anyways this is kinda pointless, since I know you won’t change your mind
I liked old Roz, he was cool and tried to solve the game #sorrynotsorry

I don’t need to convince anyone of anything in regards of them rn.

That’s the point.

ok boomer

I miss old me too.

Old me who wasn’t annoyed by unfairness of the world, who wasn’t insulted by 5 different people on day 1 and still was expected to shrug it off and carry forward.

Who saw fun in playing.

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maybe u should take a break dude, it helps

also this grouping probably be avoided in terms of cop checks and shots

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Here’s the thing.
Before we had that unfortunate argument between us, I read you as likely town because meta and the fact that you’re trying to be a town captain as I’ve noticed.
I ignored you more for my sake than because of you.
It’s unfortunate you think I’m scum here, though hopefully we can reach an understanding before EoD1.

Like I said I don’t remember calling you those things and I looked back to what I said all I remember was saying “fuck off” because you said I was beinh a toxic thrower

Idk if someone else called you something else.

I even blocked you because I know I could have gotten worse and I don’t want to be like that

stop talking about blocks omg lol