[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins


Voted Count Accusers
ATN 5/9 GGhana, Min, Ami, ArcticXI, osieorb18
Osie 2/9 Wiisp, Surge
Apprentice 1/9 TrustworthyLiberal
Ami 1/9 ATN

What do I have to do with ATN? Like, what linking are you getting? Is there something having to do with CRich? Because my only comments were that they were a bit solvey but that they didn’t have enough content.

OOF. I thought it disabled visible replying which is a dumb feature.

AT’s recent posting (Colorized, 2k20)

Cool Im back to do stuff and this is the first thing I see

Into confbias land I go

Town: wow AT is acting kinda scummy

AT: I claim vengeful if you kill me I will kill town lover eat my jorts



Ami ISO cuz I’m lazy

x1000000 or some shit
that’s a lot of eyes

very cool


can someone catch me up on this im so sorry for not playing

…aaaaand that’s it!

I don’t know ami enough to know if this is town or scum

why did i do this

time for AT next

actually Ima just read d2 through like i said i would

he’s scum

like he’s openwolfing at this point

no need to do an iso


I’ll read through the thread i guess

ur vote probably changes that, we will see
also I dislike your handling of my brothers slot

also you putting Cheese in your possible scum PoE was lazy

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no that’s fine because I’m lazy

small side note my meta apparently is “I tend to slank more as scum” which is only true because the games I was scum in were my earlier games on the site

heads up before someone comes charging at me for that

I mean I already did so too late for that

how do you know that
you didn’t even exist on the forums!

I read through ur old games cause I’m a gamer

  • town god ghana
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Okay, now I’m actually starting to see the scum side of ATNo coming out. Some people were thinking he was scum for just kind of going around asking questions with no real pushes. But he can be that way as town. Like I’ve said in other games, he can definitely come across as wolfish by default for this behavior.

However, now I’m actually seeing weird play by him, like going completely against consensus by listing Min and Surge as wolves and not really giving any good reasons. When he does go against consensus, he usually has some progression where he starts to suggest theories. But he hasn’t done any of that here.

I don’t understand why he’s giving up so early. Yes, there’s been lots of disagreements, but none where he was directly involved. He usually has more WiM than this as town, especially this early in the game.

I don’t want to get ATNo too close to hammer, so not going to vote yet.

Yes, this still bothers me a lot, too. Also the fact that CRich never even hinted at a problem like this having occurred. And he was definitely complaining about other stuff in the game.

Straight metareading him? It is a bit lazy. But I also find you townier than him so you’re probably either both town or he’s scum.

It wasn’t even talked about in the role PM. I think CRich understood the role system even less well than I did.