[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

A replacement is needed.

Reminder not to angleshoot.

  1. @Marshal
  2. @Napoleon
  3. @Chloe
  4. @Katze
  5. @Trochilidae

Trochilidae has replaced in for Eli.


A replacement is needed.

Reminder not to angleshoot.

  1. @Marshal
  2. @Napoleon
  3. @Chloe
  4. @Katze

Daystart will be slightly delayed because host will have to do it on mobile.


Night actions locked.

I have up on sleeping peacefully feedback midway so if you didn’t get feedback, assume you slept peacefully.

Soulshade has died last night. All mourn the death of Rad Shiba (Amelia) as well.

They were…


Art von Delay


Alien Godfather

You are investigated as “not alien” to Conspiracy Theorists, and as “town” to bloodhounds.
Defeat the Mafia, Werewolves, Town, Cult, Serial Killers, and any Condemners with Alien targets.


Rad Shiba


Town Bloodsucker

Every night, you may choose a player. They will be treestumped, but the Alien factional kill will be canceled.
Defeat the Mafia, Werewolves, Aliens, Cult, Serial Killers, and any Condemners with Town targets.

Catgirls: Why Are They Cute? (And Why Do Lesbians Love Them) - An Essay on the Allure of the Feline Mystique

After finishing Strike Witches, I was stuck on the way that, when performing magic, the girls developed cat ears and tails for no apparent reason. The Strike Witches producers knew what decades of anime has already confirmed: cat ears on women are cute.

For the past two weeks, I have been trying to dig a little deeper. We already know that catgirls (and catboys) are adorable, but why do we feel that way? And why are they so prevalent in anime? So far, I have three theories:

  1. Cat ears appeal to our animal instincts. Sure, we’ve come out of our caves and we wear clothes now, but our brains still have their instinctual residues like the fight or flight response. Maybe we think catgirls are the manifestation of a woman who follows her animal brain, her immediate needs and desires. We find the idea of an impulsive woman unbarred by modern rules and morals attractive.
  2. Cat ears resonate with ancient human mythologies. There were the cat gods, worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, including the fierce and beautiful Bastet. More closely tied to anime was the Japanese bakeneko, a cat demon who could disguise itself as an alluring woman. According to the Catgirl Research Foundation, there are also more catgirl myths from Britain, Ireland, and South Africa.
  3. Catgirls can be guiltlessly objectified. This fits in with the anthropomorphism I discussed in my fan service articles. When we combine women and girls’ bodies with non-human elements, like computer or, in this case, animal parts, they appear less human to us. Therefore, we do not feel the obligation to treat them with the respect we’d offer other humans, and can lust after them without worry.

However, I haven’t yet been able to find much to support or disprove my claims. I’ve tried the forums of the Catgirl Research Foundation, contacted Kittenplay.org, posted a call for suggestions on the Livejournal kitty_ears community, even reached out to a few anime academics.

So far, only the fantastic catgirlblogger Trochilidae of Forum of Lies has responded to my call. As a self professed “expert in catgirl appreciation,” she had a lot of insight on the subject. Additionally, Trochilidae’s perspective as a catgirl herself means she had some incredibly unique takes.

Trochilidae was quick to differentiate the catgirls we see in anime from the Western women who dress up as sexy cats for Halloween. “It’s not about animal lust,” she told me in an email. “It’s far more innocent than that.”

Instead, she tied it to the attitude of real-life cats toward their masters, in that anime cat girls are both independent and affectionate. Trochilidae said this style, “Selfish and spoiled one minute, and then sweet and affectionate the next,” she noted with a wink, already meshes well with one of the most established female personality types in anime — the tsundere — who extremely appeals to lesbians.

But in a nutshell, Trochilidae said that she thinks lesbians are fans of catgirls because they are so easy to please. While some female characters, whom she refers to as having dog or puppy personalities, need someone to protect and care for them always, catgirls are more hands off:

“The catgirl, on the other hand, doesn’t need a someone to run her life for her. She can do just fine all by herself. But when she is ready for some love and attention, she’ll nuzzle up to that girl, sit on her lap, knead her paws all over her, and purr with a satisfied look on her face,” she said.

And now I open up the debate to readers. Whether or not you’re a fan of cat ears, what do you think is their appeal? And if you’ve heard of an academic study on the subject that you think I’ve missed in my research, please let me know!


Day 2 Starts!

It will last 48 hours or until someone is lunched.

At least we finally got rid of that dog.

Majority is 9.

You may talk now.

haha i ninja’d the host

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Let me ask you a question.

on a scale of 1 to 10, do you care about your role?

First, good morning to you all.

After getting used to these forums, I’ve gone to read a few of the games here so I wasn’t going in blind and had an idea of what to expect.

What I saw was that the towns here often struggle. I could count on one hand the number of village wins I saw scrolling through Forum Games thread. However, I’m not just here to pop in and offer my unasked for opinion on the state of this site’s play. I’m here to win.

Some things I noticed in particular are that: villagers’ focuses are far too narrow, town often has a severe lack of motivation, and that there’s a marked difference in the treatment of “better players” vs the more common LHF. I’d like to steer clear of these pitfalls and discuss for a minute on how we can avoid them this game.

Point One

What I’ve gathered here is that “death tunneling” is a common occurrence. Of course, following a read and poking at its target is nothing but good, and should be encouraged. However, this quickly becomes disruptive when a villager focuses all their attention on one or two slots and blots everything else from the thread in their persistence to get them lynched or towncored. Keep your focus broader, make sure to analyze everyone playing. Additionally, don’t be scared of re-evaluating. Reads can change as the game progresses, a reason to townread someone D1 may not stay valid two days later.

Point Two

There are an uncanny amount of replacements and mod-prods, even when taking into account IRL issues. Town suffers from a lack of WIM, and it leads to this. If you aren’t active, you can’t be read, if you can’t be read, you get pushed, if you get pushed and still are barely responding, you get lynched. This is easy for wolves to latch onto and drag down, though villagers can do it as well. As town, this is one of the most harmful things you can do. If you don’t think you can be up to par, I kindly request you replace out before this becomes an issue.

Point Three

The crux of this point- anyone can roll scum . I don’t care how much of a “town leader”, “big name”, or “easy misexe” someone is, everyone has an equal opportunity to be town or scum and I feel like some people don’t consider this enough. Don’t clear someone for simply being themselves, and don’t condemn them for it either. Evaluate each person individually, consider their motivations separately rather than “oh this player is always a town leader, I’ll follow them no matter what” sort of reasoning. I have noticed as well that this community is quite reliant on meta, almost overly so. Meta is a valuable component to any read, just do not let it be the read itself.

None of this is meant to be simply bashing, what I intend is to call out these issues in the hopes we can circumvent them here. This site has so many positive qualities as well, and I’m quite excited to play with everyone. This ends Slinky’s SOD wallpost, I hope this shapes up to be a great game and good luck to you all!

ok i’m done now my desire for copypastas has been sated


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Have you read up on the thread?

i saw there was soul/eevee drama tho
i asked eli if he had reads
he disappointed me


/vote Arctic

im a lover with arctic, im coming out with this because hes sus as fuck, and i hope if i die he dies as well

what’s this
insert lolmassclaim here

gimme your arctic case tho i haven’t read shit

is this something that happened after n1 because of a night action? i’m confused


arcticXI - 1/9 - GGhana

please kill me at night, arctic is L O C K S C U M

I assume so.