[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins


Let me ask you a question.

on a scale of 1 to 10, do you care about your role?

First, good morning to you all.

After getting used to these forums, I’ve gone to read a few of the games here so I wasn’t going in blind and had an idea of what to expect.

What I saw was that the towns here often struggle. I could count on one hand the number of village wins I saw scrolling through Forum Games thread. However, I’m not just here to pop in and offer my unasked for opinion on the state of this site’s play. I’m here to win.

Some things I noticed in particular are that: villagers’ focuses are far too narrow, town often has a severe lack of motivation, and that there’s a marked difference in the treatment of “better players” vs the more common LHF. I’d like to steer clear of these pitfalls and discuss for a minute on how we can avoid them this game.

Point One

What I’ve gathered here is that “death tunneling” is a common occurrence. Of course, following a read and poking at its target is nothing but good, and should be encouraged. However, this quickly becomes disruptive when a villager focuses all their attention on one or two slots and blots everything else from the thread in their persistence to get them lynched or towncored. Keep your focus broader, make sure to analyze everyone playing. Additionally, don’t be scared of re-evaluating. Reads can change as the game progresses, a reason to townread someone D1 may not stay valid two days later.

Point Two

There are an uncanny amount of replacements and mod-prods, even when taking into account IRL issues. Town suffers from a lack of WIM, and it leads to this. If you aren’t active, you can’t be read, if you can’t be read, you get pushed, if you get pushed and still are barely responding, you get lynched. This is easy for wolves to latch onto and drag down, though villagers can do it as well. As town, this is one of the most harmful things you can do. If you don’t think you can be up to par, I kindly request you replace out before this becomes an issue.

Point Three

The crux of this point- anyone can roll scum . I don’t care how much of a “town leader”, “big name”, or “easy misexe” someone is, everyone has an equal opportunity to be town or scum and I feel like some people don’t consider this enough. Don’t clear someone for simply being themselves, and don’t condemn them for it either. Evaluate each person individually, consider their motivations separately rather than “oh this player is always a town leader, I’ll follow them no matter what” sort of reasoning. I have noticed as well that this community is quite reliant on meta, almost overly so. Meta is a valuable component to any read, just do not let it be the read itself.

None of this is meant to be simply bashing, what I intend is to call out these issues in the hopes we can circumvent them here. This site has so many positive qualities as well, and I’m quite excited to play with everyone. This ends Slinky’s SOD wallpost, I hope this shapes up to be a great game and good luck to you all!

ok i’m done now my desire for copypastas has been sated


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Have you read up on the thread?

i saw there was soul/eevee drama tho
i asked eli if he had reads
he disappointed me


/vote Arctic

im a lover with arctic, im coming out with this because hes sus as fuck, and i hope if i die he dies as well

what’s this
insert lolmassclaim here

gimme your arctic case tho i haven’t read shit

is this something that happened after n1 because of a night action? i’m confused


arcticXI - 1/9 - GGhana

please kill me at night, arctic is L O C K S C U M

I assume so.

of course someone made me a lover with y o u

thanks for the serotonin min

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So soul was not sk

still evil, win as fuck

I don’t like wiisp rn

Im assuming we have a scum cupid btw, since they picked such arctic for their slut shenanigans

also eevee is still probably scum btw

If eevee is scum I have a feeling it’s eevee/wiisp btw

guys pls don’t make me read through all this

-the person who always yells at replacements to read shit

eli offered me exactly two reads and one is dead

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As in Both share scumfaction

Arctic basically regurgitates others arguments, goes quiet and stirs shit up. Basically he’s acting like a noob scum trying to go UTR

so you weren’t originally lovers?