[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

I already said I was gonna re-evaluate game in the morning fucking idiot

Really? Braindead is okay, but retarded is not? What kind of history did I miss in society for this to happen?

  1. Ohā€¦ then what are you doing here!? Go to sleep!
  2. Oh please. An idiot? I am at least an imbecile or a moron.

Look, both of those insults are very uncalled for, but the second word is a more direct slur towards people with mental disabilities

Would it make you happier if I just quoted my role card so I could save you the lynch zone

You Flamboyant Imbecile! You Rapscallious Doofus! You have fallen prey to my incredible plan! Mwahaha!

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It would make me happy, yes. Because then you would be modkilled. And dead.

Just go to sleep and calm down, Derps!

I donā€™t need mafia lecturing me

Iā€™m starting to get pissed off too because Eevee worked hard on this and if someone starts posting their cards, then it breaks game integrity and it makes the game not fun for everyone

I never said I encouraged it. I said I would be happy with it. I would also be disappointed, yes, but the question was my relative happiness.

Huhā€¦ So thatā€™s what I missed.
Welp. I guess itā€™s less offensive for me, since I only know about it recently then.

No. Another modkill might result in another canned game, and I have too many of those. (>10% as we speakā€¦)

Just go to sleep.

Oh my god, Iā€™m not even talking about this from the point of view of the game, Iā€™m actually fucking serious about your state of mind right now and I know from experience that stepping away and calming down will help things

Hmā€¦ if this goes on, then weā€™re in danger.

Still, having another modkill would be extremely unfair

Letā€™s just remain silent and ignore the game until Hippo and/or Esquiddy show up. Surely Derps mustā€™ve had his sleep by then.

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Yeahā€¦ Iā€™m still studying for my final exam coming up, so focusing more on that will be more productive

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Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
SirDerpsAlot PoisonedSquid, Zone, JakeTheWolfie 3
PoisonedSquid SirDerpsAlot 1
Additional votes
Accused Voters Number
SirDerpsAlot JakeTheWolfie (x12) 12

Iā€™m gonna be working until 5 but Iā€™ll be on after I get off

Sorry about last night guys

Zone A: Soā€¦ what do we do now? Unvote Derps?
Zone B: Nah. Iā€™m still waiting for him to give us his arguments against PSquid.
Zone C: Shut up, Zone B. We said we will wait for Hippo and Esquiddy, and thatā€™s what we will do!
Zone A: In other words; we donā€™t unvote?
Zone B: Sure.