[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

I think Eevee accidentally modpeeked him or something too but I think most people missed it

this is a weak reason to SR me.

this feels fabricated as hippo had only 1 post at this point.

he has just been shamelessly agendapushing. THis should die immediately

If only you provided quotes. Too bad.

Alright that one was a meme but yk

Also it’s 12 am and I’m in bed fuck quotes xd

here jake i gave quotes.

it’s mostly early content but it’s late and im tired

My car insurance has better quotes than you.

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HMU then

Can you add me to your plan

I crashed my car into a swing set into a school zone.

my rates skyrocketed. I need good insurance

Anyway, because I am clearly a 13 voter, I shall vote 2 people because fuck you

/vote SDA & Wazza

And while that’s going through, I’m gonna go be a dayvig or some shit

okay btw geyde revealed as IC and we were reactiontesting ya

Remember when I pretended to post from scumchat as a reaction test jake? Good times

I’m modconfirmed Magical pumpkin that shoots lazers out of it’s ass.

Geyde is actually modconfirmed though

no he actually did.

im not quoting it just beleive me

He revealed pretty early into day start

boom there ya go jake

Their jake