[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

You also either haven’t been paying attention to discussion with this comment or are unsure of your read on me.

lol are you implying I can read

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Poss your logic is flawed

It’s not, and if you’re gonna come in here and make a statement like that you need to have evidence.

You’re making statements assuming ass scum and town play like you want them to, which is objectively false

This is objectively false and heavily depends on the person

@katze Will you be around for EoD?

Far more common in scum than in town. Scum have an agenda to push.

Also debatable tbh

I am not relying on one indicator here.

Do you need a full list @SirDerpsAlot or would I just be wasting my time.

Go for it

Pedantic discussion to remain active.

Nit picky discussion to remain active.

With the discussion long over, he brings it back to me. Does he see something in my posts?

Nope! He didn’t see anything, he just thought maybe he could bring the discussion back onto me. Why? Does he get some benefit to the discussion being on me?

Answer: Yes, as I later get re-scumread by you buffoons.

So now he’s scumreading Jake for not discussing a point that came to conclusion? Shade with a side of fries.

So NOW the scumread comes in. Ok, better now than never. Will he push it?

Nope. Claims I’m scum, won’t vote or push it. Also didn’t follow the conclusion on me yesterday.

These are pure agenda based responses.

There is no suredness in Mists postings. The lack of confidence only comes from an unsure wolf.

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/vote mist

Suffragettes died to give us right to vote, use it

Hippo please :sob:

I am so diddly dang confused. How the heck can you guys see these little details pointing to whether someone’s is scum or not?

Hey their finally here

Oh, I’m new btw. Hi