[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

You get used to it, also just because they see it dosent necessary mean it’s correct

do you have any opinions on who you think could be town or scum yet

/vote esquiddy

Bad entrance.

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I mean it’s their first ever FM game

Bro I’m still trying to figure out what the acronyms mean

pokes Hippo with stick

Poke harder

I’ll do it when he starts hardpushing


hi fellow squid

Hi there :wave:
I know things may seem confusing, but you’ll get used to it

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Only scum say “diddly dang confused”

yikes that entrance seems fabricated.

How dors it seem fabricated? That’s just how I talk T-T

Fat L

Note: Ping Firekitten when you need a vote count.


Fk just said he left lol

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Im happy voting shurian mist or that new guy ftr

It reads too formal IMO. Too careful.

“im so diddly dang confused?”

too proper of punctuation/capatilazation.

and the message you are sending “im confused and am having trouble solving the game” is fine but also gives you a buffer