[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

anotha one

I’m unlynchable.

Oh lol geydes ic nvm

Love a good d1 ic reveal for no reason


There’s the chain of reveals Geyde caused.

Rlly grindw my gears


So now everyone goes, “Gee, Marshals push is scummy on another townie”…when he’s just misguided.

As I’ve said…you are like me, Marshal. You think you are right when wrong.

I can and i will

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i always think i am right

I think that’s how most incorrect reads work

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wait so poss is claiming town unlynchable?

modifier free i assume since town ones cant have modifiers

Geez, I don’t think this is caused by Geyde’s reveal at all. I’m pretty sure this is caused by a valley of pre-made associations and the “I’m always right” mentality

Ive done a complex vca of today and concluded that wazza is lockscum.

/vote Wazzaaazzaa

More people will end up revealing by the end of today with this misguided pushes Tbh.

I can’t find unlynchable role

Revealing or fake-claiming. People can lie

so you are modifier-free town unlynchable( have to be modifier free if town unlynchable/unkillable)