[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

i always think i am right

I think that’s how most incorrect reads work

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wait so poss is claiming town unlynchable?

modifier free i assume since town ones cant have modifiers

Geez, I don’t think this is caused by Geyde’s reveal at all. I’m pretty sure this is caused by a valley of pre-made associations and the “I’m always right” mentality

Ive done a complex vca of today and concluded that wazza is lockscum.

/vote Wazzaaazzaa

More people will end up revealing by the end of today with this misguided pushes Tbh.

I can’t find unlynchable role

Revealing or fake-claiming. People can lie

so you are modifier-free town unlynchable( have to be modifier free if town unlynchable/unkillable)

I don’t see this as a role help

They can. You can literally hang me and find out if I’m lying but its a waste…ill tell you straight up. Were trying to find scum here.

it’s a role that cannot be lynched(or gain modifiers if town-aligned)

this is what you are @Possessed right?

Where I just don’t see that

in OP

Yes. Unlynchable.

Under what

Because I can’t find it

ok reactiontest over i think poss is scum

Cool hang me lol