[SFM] Winter Chaos - Panda King And Co. Wins!

That was quick, and right

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I had my class card open.

Tbh I am not surprised if Twil1ght provided both wincon for scum.

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They would probably even receive a safe fakeclaim I think, since the setup is closed.

I refuse to believe the roles arenā€™t rigged, iā€™ve received the perfect class

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Blessed is Tw1ā€™s game

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Oh, omnimiller one shot vig?


Both my flavor and my abilities are just perfect

Even better.

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I heard that word many times, but what exactly is omnimiller?

Something that shows up suspicious to every single type of check



You know all the time that my class is related to yoursā€¦

It actually is this time

Now protecc me

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if they are tracked, it will look like they visited someone who died. If they are checked by a cop they will come up mafia. If they have their type checked itā€™ll come up killer, that kinda stuff

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Marl x Marg confirmed.

Pls donā€™t pair me up with him.

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I canā€™t protec, iā€™m the one who needs protected

Thank you for confirming it

But I intentionally worded it like that :thinking:

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What is this level of wifom :eyes:

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Its the ultimate WIFOM

I know how marl acts

Marl knows how I act somewhat

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Any way, why did I feel like this is kind of a SSBU flavored game :thinking:

Restless spirit feels weird for a scum faction.