[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

I wont comment on this cuz it’ll be obvious bias :frowning:

I’d like to think I’m using my head but I don’t think I am half the time
So guess what imma just be in the background and not posting.
Just reading.
Scummies where you?

Well you tried, go keep yourself useful because your reaction ain’t.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Vulgard Shurian, Blizer 2/9
DirectorHail Pilica, Jgoesgaming 2/9
Marshal DirectorHail 1/9
Soulshade55r Vulgard 1/9
Blizer Marshal 1/9
PoisonedSquid Geyde, Luxy 2/9

There is 23 hours and 59 minutes until EoD.

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Hey, I’m here.
Time to level up my content.

I’m pretty sure several scum have been posting in the thread completely relaxed, because the game has no substantial direction - so they can easily blend in.

Time to find them.

I read through mechs.

I realise I may need to stop and think back for a bit.


I encourage people to re-read the thread with ‘scum are relaxed, because the thread is going nowhere and they want to keep it that way’ in mind.

I’m not going to 100% follow that mindset, but it will probably inform my reads.

Thank you for repeating stuff other people have said

What’s the reasoning on this?

What’s the difference in behaviour of relaxed town and relaxed scum?

While I’m sure of certain individuals and certain mannerisms, I haven’t really seen you lowkey suggest things like you did in the post above.

Magnus typing longer than 2 mins is a first.

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Obviously not much can be gathered from this, and I really don’t want to look at this.

Using emojis :wolf:

Begins a burning tree meme

WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR TREE? I’ll loan you some cash to buy a new one.


One is funny. This is ridiculous.

But earlier you said Shurian was looking bad?

Uh, or it could mean they don’t care.

Okay, i can’t judge this

Maybe you should look at who voted them and reasons, rather than getting angry about a :fire: :evergreen_tree:

He could be inactive, but it is worth keeping an eye open about.

Have you read?

Verdict - Leanscum

I dont know you
Who are you and what have you done with Magnus


He was busy, so he got his bot to play.

Policy LUNCH!

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Luxy gave me bad vibes from the start this game.

Starts the game with a serious pre-flip association in the third post. At least it sounds serious. I’m not sure if anybody took this as a joke, including Pilica and Director. This pre-flip feels very bold. Either Luxy has a great amount of confidence or wanted to set up a potential agenda. Or he really was RVSing, but I didn’t get that impression.

He does use this as an indirect excuse. It’s still RVS. …?? Kinda weird.

This feels like a premature read, honestly. I can’t really explain why, but I think Shurian should not be read this early, especially on ‘narrow outlook.’

He is interacting with his scumread, which is a good look I suppose, but the questions he asked seem… a bit shallow to me. I don’t think Shurian answering them, truthfully or not, helps solve his alignment.

Making this observation is pretty much NAI, but Luxy also uses it as an excuse to townread or at least townlean Isaac. I get bad vibes from that move. In general Luxy is giving me bad vibes this game with these posts of his. It feels like he wants to look like he is doing something when he actually isn’t.

…Ugghhhh. I don’t disagree with pressuring Magnus to do something, but I don’t like the way Luxy is doing it. It feels like he wants to make himself look better along the way by using good tone and being ‘helpful.’

…Do Luxy’s reads have substance? It’s hard to make substantial reads right now because of the threadstate. Though I guess I get Luxy’s point, I’m trying to make something better now.

And I get discouraged immediately. Well.

In general, I don’t think Luxy is town this game - he pinged me several times. I get general bad vibes from his posts - maybe he’s also recoiling from wallposts and I’m misreading it as scummy, but still. Probably my first scumread of the game.

I hate pings

Interesting how you accuse me after I accuse you of forcing your reads

I didnt ping you, but you still get a notification either way by virtue of replying.