[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

This doesn’t mean anything

Noobwolves fluff, good wolves dont

What are you trying to say?

oooh sick burn but you know, if you even have bothered to be in any my games, I’ve tried hard to make reads and isos, I struggle a bit day 1 and when I’m busy to do so, If I was lazy fluff scum why would I be motivated to make reads on vulguard when I could of spent that time getting meaningfull reads on someone else who I could push

You were townreading your superpower as Geyde said

why would scum do that? to get towncred.

like what do you think motivates scum to make reads on a confirmed player? there is none, granted there isn’t none for town.

That’s the whole point

would you stop this fucking townslip no one buys it Soul

fuck off seriously and reply to my post if your only awnser is “Town slip” you clearly can’t think of a good one

What does this even mean?

What. Motivates. scum. to. make. a. reads. list. on. a. confirmed. town. player.

no “hur dur townsliproooo”

Shut the fuck up

The superpower is the scum leader/lost wolf fucking hell

Now fuck off with this fake townslip and defend yourself. I gave you ample opportunity to cut the crap but you continued with it.

Please kindly eat rope.

yeah you really can’t come up with anything can’t you so shut up

And now you’re openwolfing

Don’t make me laugh seriously.

You’re just making accusations to get me angry at this point you can’t explain it so piss off or explain the motivation or your reasoning

How am I trying to fake a town slip in the first place? can you explain that,

I literally just fucking did

what the fuck I asked a question awnser it.

I’m asking you how I’m trying to fake a town slip, what is defending myself faking a town slip or something to your brain

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Do I need to post it a third time?

Then why aren’t you pushing vulguard if he’s confirmed Scum or “super power”


This isn’t a defence

You’re deflecting again

Vulgard is scum if you are scum and not vice versa