[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

Also, Hail is confirmed not superpower.

Why did you specify ā€˜am not group scumā€™? Instead of ā€˜am not scumā€™? This gives me a bitter taste which makes me doubt you more than Isaac. Also I had the bad feeling about you in the night and my intuition is often on the right path.

Because the literal thing is that I can be only scum superpower or not scum right?
If I was groupscum, I would just eat it up and taken the night kill, right?

Does that make sense? The scum do have a night kill every other night or something right?

My intuition is better than yours! Yours is utterly wrong! Phoenix Wrong!

One of them HAS to be superpower. So no way. But IF in any case Superpower DIDNā€™t kill then we will flip Shurian v -> Iā€™ll aim my kill to Isaac -> TOWN Isaac will Redirect my kill to Hail. So if Hail dies but Isaac doesnā€™t then heā€™s legit.


Not necessarily. Because it could out your superpower in case this was right when youā€™re grouphorde. People would check your Iso for spew and would get around this. Still itā€™s odd you specified you arenā€™t grouphorde.

Doubt. Weā€™ll see when you flip if Iā€™m wrong or right.

@KyoDaz can we get a votecount?

In my world, Isaac is 100% scumpower.

Thus, my focus would be Isaac.

Shurian flips town.
I aim Isaac, he redirects, kills Hail, flips town.

Pilica dies, flips town.
Some other guy dies, flips town.


As superpower Isaac wonā€™t be able to Redirect the kill. Hence heā€™ll die.

Can you please specify to me where this redirect will not come from a superpower?

He literally claimed

A superpower, if Iā€™m not mistaken, can do 2 ABILITIES per night

Because a superpower wonā€™t be a GNOME

Did you visit Geyde?

He must be exactly 1(!) superpower to be able to do that. Also if he uses 2 different abilities instead of twice the same (as he claimed) why not alignment check someone first and then kill them?

My result was moderror. Isaac and Magnus visited Geyde.

This explanation sucks.

Heā€™s Isaac.

Wait a fucking moment.

I was replying to god damned Marshal who said ā€œgroup scumā€ in that post. Of course Iā€™d say groupscum LOL

I have a feeling this is a bit too self-aware, but it might just come from his feelings.

It feels like PKR is just defensively coasting, or at least thatā€™s the impression I get from his early posts. He might just not have the time to play, but factoring that stuff in makes reading almost impossible when it comes to low posters.

Heā€™s there every now and then, he writes posts that sound fairly good, but other than that he is doing nothing. I think thatā€™s scum AI considering the gamestate on D1 (a ton of wagons and a town got lynched without much help from scum).

I feel like heā€™s scumreading me for all the wrong reasons. I have no idea how he reached this conclusion considering he played with me several times. Mind walking me through that? I donā€™t understand this in hindsight and I didnā€™t understand it back then. That makes me think it was a forced read, like he was obligated to scumread me because it suited his agenda. @PokemonKidRyan

And toward the end, despite saying several times that what Iā€™ve been posting never comes from town!Vul, he hedges on the read. ā€˜Mid-scumread but I need more content.ā€™ So despite him not seeing town!Vul in my posts, he is not entirely confident and does not want to strongly scumread me. He does not vote me, either.

If youā€™re unable to tell, I really didnā€™t like PKRā€™s wall on me. Not because of the fact heā€™s scumreading me, but because of the potential reasons behind this and the vibe I get.

Still coasting. I donā€™t want to be the guy who scumreads people for not playing due to IRL reasons, but this is fairly consistent and beneficial for scum in this gamestate. Thatā€™s why I think itā€™s scummy.

Conclusion: if we have UTR scum, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s PKR.

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