[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

Okay nevermind if it’s Isaac he’s one of the warrior Superpowers. Otherwise it’s Shurian who’s exactly that hunter.

I am new to this forum, I don’t care who he is. So…

I’m getting scumread because of my fluff

Time to go cry in a corner

Given that Warrior can Redirect but Hunter can’t… it would be actualy smarter to flip Isaac and I kill Shurian if we’re wrong.

I have a nagging feeling ~4-5 town are going to die tonight and it sucks.

I have to vote between Isaac/Shurian today but I wouldn’t mind flipping PKR.

Also I think Soul’s alignment still has to be resolved because that slot really bothers me.

He’s a player who is notorious for low-effort posts and consistent lack of meaningful content.

@Shurian @Pilica I want your takes on Soul because I don’t think I can resolve that slot on my own.

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The only thing is that if I get flipped instead then the 3~4 town will die will become true as Scum Warrior superpower can NK and redirect at the same time.

Anyone want to see Pilica kill town due to redirection? Literally giving them a double kill tonight and Pilica also dies to bleed.

At least 2 will die. Geyde and me. Except I, due to a miracle, will be healed.

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You have no idea how much I want that to happen.

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Wait, who was the one saying the bleeds can’t be healed?

@Geyde themself. Appearently because of worgen blood elf Fiasko or some shit. Actually Geyde can you tell why exactly I can’t be healed.

Geyde said that he made Pilica unhealable.

Yeah, I did read that, I thought you weren’t joking about the part where you could be healed D:

Soul is Pretty much a null for me. Slight maf lean but not enough to vote imo.

I think what Geyde is saying is this:

Gave him Blood Elf, and he used this:

There’s no mechanical error in that claim.

Same. My first game on here and someone already injures me d1 lol XD

You know what?

Fuck it. If Shurian is the superpower she is a hunter and can’t Redirect so she WILL die. In contrast to Isaac who IF he is Superpower CAN Redirect my kill. SOOOO

/Vote Isaac

My whole idea on Soul was that Vul was superpower.

Since Vul isn’t, I’d probably read on him and his intentions.

I’ve just noticed that, this is hilarious.