[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

What even does confbias mean

No, its not offensive, it was a joke >_<

Yes. Is it that obvious? I guess itā€™s good that itā€™s obvious.
I feel free.

The one thing that allows me to read Vulgard is gone!!! Wah!!!

Seriously though, Vulā€™s wallposts are super informative of where his stances are and his motivationsā€¦

Guess Iā€™ll save that nudgey thing thing for when he finally makes a wallpost :3

(Tldr: pls make wallpost for me to slot you into my town/scum box)

Dont do it too much tho

@Vulgard just once will do

I was also joking, let there be no confusion.


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How dare you Vulscum! D:<

Iā€™m not exactly trusting you either, the reason I was small talking was because itā€™s D1, unless you have a N0 ability which you claim to have thereā€™s nothing else to add, if I have to defend myself more town of Salem has a bad influence.

Good point

He claimed to have a n0 check, yes.

Yes I saw that, According to him Geyde is Alliance.

ā€œYes, lets vote townā€

Thatā€™s exactly what I thought.
Also, which class gets a n0 check!!?

Yo, go read man, theres totally a n0 check

Holā€™ on.

Lies, you are wearing human pirate outfit, thatā€™s definitely horde undead masquerading as human :kissing:

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No, itā€™s not a pirate outfit.