[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

But don’t worry! If you buy lucky charm from me, the alliance won’t ever suspect you from being litteral skeleton in closet somewhere in Goldshire

/Frostwolf103 requested trade with Magnus

hey noobs anyone here

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What am I doing that is making you not trust me

hail’s pfp scares me


Well that may explain it. Leaving this for later

Vote Counter

Vulgard - 1 (Shurian)
DirectorHail - 2 (Pilica, Luxy)
Marshal - 1 (DirectorHail)
Soulshade55r - 1 (Vulgard)

Majority is 9. (Thank you astand, I’m not good at math :stuck_out_tongue: )

Marshal’s Dumbass soft time

DRUNK 420.

There we go.

Which anime pfp to vote…

/vote shurian

There we go.

Distant frustrated screams can be heard

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I’m also gonna try to be way less tunnely this game.

I’ll be aggressive, but unbiasedely agressive.

You’re next


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Hello fellow gamers I would of been on eailer but The Worst, Most Despair Inducing Event in the History of Mankind happened right before my eyes.

It was the worst thing I ever had to through…

my… wif-

my dear poor wi-

my wifi went out gamers

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open claim day 1

I clajm Warrior, protecc

i also claim warrior

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lets check each other’s spec

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Do you claim protect?


Where did you fucking nerds get that genius idea to claim

nope but you’ll find out once you check me as a warrior

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