SFoL 00 - Cult Chat

Imagine thinking that i would care about being on your list instead of just trying to find mislynch material

Well, I just worry that Marshal might actually get you killed. If he does, then we’re probably boned.

Idea: Mislynch marshal for tunneling you.

Bruh his reasoning is so bad, but I can’t just pop in thread now because that would be suspicious.

Argh I want to make him look stupid

Well that’s what you have me for

I genuinely find this fucking hilarious.

And that oath thing is also funny.


This is the best outcome. Marshal thinks I’m pocketed by scum.

Marshal’s reasoning is so bad

And funny.

Yes, you will.

@Luxy you were the target of “Race to philosophy”

Enter a wikipedia race with your target. The host sorts a random article and sends to both of you. The destination article is always Philosophy. If the target is part of a scum faction, this notification is sent in the scum chat and all players in that chat can help the target complete the race. The wikirace lasts for 24 hours and may be finished at night if the day ended before 24 hours has passed. Both players may send a sequence of steps (an input) they have taken from the initial page to the destiny page. Whoever finishes the race with less steps wins. Before the race ends, both players may edit their input. In the case of a draw, the race is nullified as if it never existed. If the Wikipedist wins the race, the target loses their immunities for the night.

Your random page is:

@JakeTheWolfie can help you in it

Readington Reformed Church > Dutch Reformed Church > Protestantism > 17th Century Philosophy > Baruch Spinoza > Philosophy of Baruch Spinoza > Western Philosophy > Philosophy

I think I’ll claim alchemist

No cult class can alter a flip.

@eevee I really need you on.

If @Luxy retrains me to be a tavern keeper OC, can I use their Mix Rooms?

I really can’t afford for Luxy to die right now. And we really need a core town dead.

Yes, you can

@Luxy Do you want to retrain me into Tavern Keeper OC?

/retrain Jake Tavern Keeper